Typical Annual Cycle
From CrossRoad
The typical annual cycle of activities includes the following items:
- Creating/Editing Course Templates
- Updating Course Availability to make Courses Available or Unavailable for a given year
- Flash Courses from Templates to Course Offerings and Approve Schedule
- Student Course Registration
- Confirmation of Registration/Add/Drop period
- Withdraw Period
- Entering Results and doing Academic Standing calculations
- Update Term Records And Transcript Comments
- Run Term End Processes
These activities occur in an overlapping fashion between terms and academic years. For example, probably near mid-term of the January-April term, work will need to be completed for the first four items on the list above for the next academic year's fall and winter terms, while the last four items on the list are still incomplete for that term. This is all supported by CrossRoad, but means that it is important that the manager and operators are conscious of this overlap.
These processes will be reviewed.
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