Course Registration

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The Course Registration tab has several elements to it.

Current Students Course Registrations.jpg

The year and term selection in the middle will change which courses are displayed. It will also change the listing in the Waitlisted Courses window which opens when the Current Students window is opened.

The Term Dates window displays any dates recorded in the QIDates Support table that have passed. This can be important in alerting the operator to what functions are valid at this point in time and advising students as to financial impacts of those deadlines.

Current Students Course Registrations Term Dates Window.jpg

The Program Information Window displays the student's current program, year of study, academic standing, student status and student type. The student type can be new (which means that they have no locally earned credit and are an applicant for the displayed year and term), transfer (which means that they have advance credit, but no locally earned credit and are an applicant for the displayed year and term), re-entering students (which means they have locally earned credit and are an applicant for the displayed year and term), or returning (if the student has locally earned credit and is not an applicant for the displayed year and term).

Current Students Course Registrations Program Information Window.jpg

The Warnings Window displays information about the student that may be important to the operator. These can be about whether the student is in residence, has financial aid, has student loans, has had an official course/fee sheet printed for the term, or is on hold. When the record is on hold, the text in this box appears in red.

Current Students Course Registrations Warnings Window.jpg

The Credit Totals Window displays the count of current credits based on the registrations displayed. During registration, drop and withdraw processes, it also displays the changes in progress. This is intended to assist the operator in knowing which regulations, both program and financial, apply to the student while changes are in process.

Current Students Course Registrations Credit Totals Window.jpg

The Course Listing Window displays the courses in which the student is registered for the selected year and term. There are several fields that are displayed here, so the horizontal slider bar needs to be used to display some of them. The fields are: Registration Status (which is only relevant when courses are being registered or dropped and will be either R or D), Year, Term, Course Code, Description, Seminar/Lab, Credit/Audit/Non-Credit status, Credits, Mark, Program Tag, Operator, Registration Date, Mark Date, Marking System.

Current Students Course Registrations Course Listing Window.jpg

Finally, there is a series of buttons, most of which become active when the student record is in Edit mode. Many of them apply when specific courses are selected from the Course Listing. These are:

Current Students Course Registrations Button Panel.jpg

The functioning of each of these is explained in subsidiary pages to this one

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