Register button

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Current Students Course Registrations Register.jpg

When the Register button is clicked without selecting a Dropped course on the Register tab, the window above appears.

The first box is a drop list of all the courses offered in the year and term selected on the Register tab. Aside from the course code and title, three numbers appear on each entry -- the number of students registered, the maximum capacity of the course, and the number of students on the waitlist.

If the course has a seminar or lab associated with it, then the next drop list will be enabled. This allows the selection of the appropriate lab or seminar section, and their entries have similar enrollment numbers on each line.

The next drop list is to allow the selection of registration type: credit or audit if this is a credit course, non-credit if this is a non-credit course.

The program tag section is used with the degree audit system. Right clicking on this area allows adding or deleting tags.

Clicking on the OK button causes several items to be checked. The course will be checked for pre-requisites (if they are defined), checks whether the course fits the student's schedule, and whether there is room in the course. Warnings of these will pop up, but may be overridden by the operator.

If a course is full, the Waitlist button will add the student to the waitlist for the course and, if selected, lab or seminar section.

Cancel aborts the process of adding a course.

Return to Course Registration.