The ultimate goal for a student is to be able to present an academic transcript. There are two ways to print an academic transcript in CrossRoad. The first, batch transcript production, is the normal way of producing transcripts. The second, individual transcript production, is intended to provide quick access to printing a transcript will looking at an individual student's file.
Batch Transcript Production
From the main tool bar, use the icon, or choose File | Transcript Production from the main menu. This should open the following window.
This window has several buttons across the top. These are:
Add From Current -- this allows you to add a current student to the list of transcripts to be produced.
Add From Archives -- this allows you to add a former student to the list of transcripts to be produced.
Delete -- allows you to delete the highlighted entry from the list of transcripts to be produced.
Load List -- loads a previously saved list of transcripts to be produced.
Save List -- saves the displayed list of transcripts to be produced for later reuse with the previous button.
Preview -- produces the transcripts in a print preview window. This is not normally used in batch production mode, but can be helpful if a number of transcripts need to be reviewed but not necessarily printed.
Print -- produces the transcripts directly to the printer. This is the normal mode of production.
= Adding a Transcript to be Produced
When either of the "Add..." buttons is used, the standard Student Find dialog is displayed. You may search for the student by any of the various means provided. Once found and highlighted on the list, choose Close to select that student.
You will then be presented with the following dialogue window.
From this window you can select whether the transcript is being issued to the student, to another post-secondary institution selected from CrossRoad's list of post-secondary institutions, or to another individual or organization which is typed into the box next to the Other radio button. The number of copies is specified, along with whether Standard courses only, or Phantom Courses are to be included on the transcript. In most cases, only Standard Courses would be included. Clicking OK adds the item to the list.
Printing the Transcripts
This is done by clicking the print button. Note that normally transcripts are printed on special paper, frequently fed into the printer from a multipurpose or manual feed bin. So care should be taken to set up your printer correctly.
Individual Transcript Production
Individual Transcript production begins by opening the Current Students window, clicking the Course Registrations Tab and then clicking the Print button on the right hand side of that tab. A dialog box asking what to print will appear; select Academic Transcript from that list.
This will then display the same Issue Transcript To dialogue as above. Clicking ok will start the printing process by displaying the transcript in a print preview window.
Transcript Configuration Issues
General Layout
The general layout of CrossRoad transcripts is to allow a variable amount of space at the top of the page for institutional name, address and logo and other information (typically Registrar's signature and information about security paper features).
The elements of the transcript are then:
Issuing Information
A line that says ISSUED TO. This is very important in the transcript authentication process. A little lower down and to the right is a page number and the date of issue of the transcript.
Student Identification
The student name, student ID, and date of birth appear on the left of the next section.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is listed by program applied to, by institution, by originating institution course code. The total number of credits applied to the program is listed. If entries have been made where the grade is displayed (typically PLAR or Challenge Exam type entries) the grade will also be displayed.
Admission Lines
An optional element in CrossRoad is the specification of Admission lines. These would typically indicate the basis of admission.
Academic Record
The academic record is a term by term listing of courses taken.
Term Header
The term entry begins with a term header indicating the year and term. If there is an entry in the Admission Status field of the student's term record for that term, an "Admitted to" line will appears.
Course Information
Each course is listed with the course code, course description (title), the Mark (or Mark and Grade if that is set as an option in CrossRoad), the Credits associated with that course, and the Weight for GPA calculation.
Term GPA, Credits Earned
The term GPA and number of credits earned is listed after each term.
Term Comments
One or more Term comments may be added to the Term Record for each student as appears in the Term Records Tab. These typically indicate excellent or substandard academic standing, degree completion (including conferral date), and other items affecting or indicating student performance.
Page Continuation/End of Transcript
At the end of each page of a multipage transcript a footer appears indicating that the transcript continues. At the end of the transcript a line appears after the last entry indicating the End of the Transcript.
Layout Controls
Margins, font, printer and paper bin for Transcripts are controlled through the Print Setup Window.
The various optional elements are controlled through the Version Support Table. The items that can be controlled are:
ADMISSONTRAN | Admission Comments on transcripts |
NATLIDONTSCRP | Include the national ID number on the transcript |
PROVIDONTSCRP | Include the provincial ID number on the transcript |
STUDIDPICTURE | Picture for student id |
TRANSISSUEDTOLINE | lines down for issued to line on transcript |
TRANSTOPSIGLINE | prints signature lines on transcript |
GPAPICT | GPA Picture |
SHORTCREDPICT | Short credit picture |
TRANSCRIPTALPHASORT | sort the courses by coursecode |
TRANSCRIPTDATESORT | sort the courses by date |
TRANSCRIPTPROGRSORT | sort the terms by program |
XFREQUIVONTRAN | print transfer credit equivalent on transcript |
ADVCREDINCGPA | Advance Credit Include in CGPA |
CRSCODETESTLEN | test length for course codes in duplicates |
CUMDATAONTRAN | Print cumulative GPA Credits on Transcript |
DUPCOURKEEPRCNT | keep most recent duplicated course grade |
INCLDATEONTRAN | Include course dates on transcript |