Admission Scholarship Policy for applicants attending non-accredited Post-Secondary Institutions
Greetings all. This email is to advise you about a change in our requirement for The King’s University College Admission Scholarships.
To date these have been awarded only to those who are truly entering King’s without intervening study after high school. This meant that any post-secondary study (9 credits or more attempted) disqualified the student for this award.
The effect, however, on students who went to non-accredited programs was that they are not eligible for either the admission scholarship or the transfer scholarship. To address this gap, Hank Bestman has approved a change in our practice.
That is, an applicant is academically eligible for this award if he or she is has attempted 30 or fewer credits in a non-accredited program and has results that indicate success equivalent to their high school admission average. Non-accredited in this context means not provincially, regionally (in the US), government accredited (internationally), ABHE (for bible colleges) or ATS (for seminaries) accredited.
This change should mean that applicants who have done a single YWAM DTS (which earns 24 University of the Nation’s credits), and several other unaccredited Bible colleges, although only for a single year of study are eligible for this scholarship. Examples of other affected programs are: Capernwray, Peace River Bible Institute, Mt Carmel Bible College, and Alberta Bible College.
We will need to adapt this statement for our Calendar, but please be aware of the change in the interim. We will retroactively review all applicants for 2013/14 for eligibility under this new understanding.
-- Glenn J Keeler Registrar April 16, 2013