Quick Criteria/Quick Filter
Quick Filter
On the Prospective Student window toolbar, at the right-hand end, you will see an icon that looks like a month calendar with one week highlighted. . It will allow you to fairly quickly create a filter for your prospective students (defined by your Contacted By initials) with a next activity date within a particular date range. The default date range is one week around today’s date starting yesterday (hence the icon) but you can change that as needed.
When you click this button, you get the following window:
The default initials should be yours (assuming you have contact initials assigned to you). You can look for multiple contact persons by creating a tilde delimited list; e.g. “BB~JT~”.
The next two fields are the date range for the next activity date. You can use the radio button to Last Activity and Entered dates. If you don’t want any date range, then uncheck each date. The drop down arrow gives you a calendar from which to choose dates. If you omit only one date, you can create an open ended range – so looking for next activity dates after a particular date but for anytime in the future or looking for activity dates from anytime in the past but only up to a particular date. The default range is one day back from today, and 6 days forward from today; so it is a rolling 1 week window of next activity dates.
If you click OK, it will set these as the filter criteria as you browse through CrossRoad using the navigation buttons or keyboard shortcuts.
As usual, the title bar changes based on the filter in use. Since this one does not have a name that you have assigned, the text of the filter is used as you can see below.
To clear the filter, use the same button you always do which is just to the left of the new icon.
Quick Criteria
Parallel to the item above, the "Quick Criteria" entry "<---------- Quick Criteria ---------->" in the criteria will bring up the same dialog used for the Quick Filter.