Miscellaneous Sales

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Miscellaneous Sales is a program that allows the sale of various items to various categories of purchaser.

The categories of purchaser are

  • employees
  • residence students
  • current students
  • alumni

These are not wholly exclusive but are driven by the varying requirements of specific purchases.

The available purchases are controlled by miscsale.dbf (miscsale.ntx).

APPLIESThis determines for which purchaser group the transaction is available. R is residence, C is current students, A is alumni, E is Employee
TRANNAMEThis is the name of the transaction as it appears in the program.
ITEMCODEThis is the itemcode as it exports to Sage. This should also match the support table QIFEES.DBF
OPTIONSThis defines options for this purchase. Items are separated by a tilde, with elements within the item delimited by a piping character. The sub element items are the name as it appears in the program, the specific item code for the sub item, an optional condition for the sub item, and an amount associated with that item code. The conditions are largely associated with residence items and may be a specific occupancy (DOUBLESING:[occupancy code] or MEALPLAN:[mealplan code]). The amount can be replaces with the QIFEES.DBF entry to allow for synchronization, but note that updates to QIFEES are immediately reflected.
MULTIOPTIOThis logical flag defines whether multiple options can be selected for this item. If set to false only one option may be selected.
ALLOPTIONSThis forces all the options to be selected. So if an individual transaction has multiple components (rent and a deposit, for instance) both are required.
INVOICEThis creates an invoice transaction rather than a DN.
OCCCHANGEThis flags the item as an occupancy change in residence, which triggers updating CrossRoad occupancy.
MPCHANGEThis flags the item as an mealplan change in residence, which triggers updating CrossRoad mealplan and exports to the cafeteria systems.</
MPSALEThis flags the item a mealplan sale, which triggers updating the export amounts to go to the cafeteria system. This is not necessary for Mealplan change items.</
PARKINGFlags this items as a parking pass sales, triggering the vehicle data collection window.
PCOUNTERFlags the items as a balance addition for PCounter, triggering the command line addition to the PCounter balance.
EMAILFlags this transaction as requiring an email.
EMAILADDRThis is the email address to which the item should be sent.
EMAILSUBJThis is the email subject line
EMAILBODYThis is the email body. Macro substitution can happen in the body: enclosed in double square brackets, you may substitute SURNAME, FNAME, STUDID, ENTCODE, ADDRESS, VISITORNAME, AMOUNT. Specifying Visitor Name will trigger a dialog to collect it; this is used where an employee is sponsoring a visitor for facilities use such as the WORKOut Centre.