FINAID Structure

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FieldNameData TypeLengthDecimalsPictureCaptionDescriptionHelpContextName
FINAIDIDN50IdentificationFinancial aid package identification numberFINAIDID
NAMEC600NameName of this financial aid packageNAME
ACADEMICL10AcademicThis is predominantly an award based on academic results.ACADEMICACADEMIC
NEEDL10NeedThis is an award based predominantly on need.NEEDNEED
OTHERCONDC1000Other Conditions:Other conditions used in reporting this award.OTHERCONDOTHERCOND
HSORPSL10High School or Post SecondaryPrefer the High School or Post Secondary Average?HSORPSHSORPS
AMOUNTN102AmountAmount of awardAMOUNT
PCTPERTERMN62% applied per termPercentage of this award applied to the student's account per term.PCTPERTERMPCTPERTERM
ITEMCODEC140Item CodeItem Code for Exporting to Accounts ReceivableITEMCODEITEMCODE
AMTISPCTL10Amount is %The amount listed is a percentage reduction, rather than a fixed dollar amount.AMTISPCTAMTISPCT
VALIDTERMSC100Valid termsTerms for which this item is valid.VALIDTERMSVALIDTERMS
SCHBURAWARC10Scholarship/Bursary/AwardIs this considered a scholarship, bursary or award?SCHBURAWARSCHBURAWAR
INTERNALL10InternalIs this an internally funded award?INTERNALINTERNAL
RECEIPTL10ReceiptIs this item receiptable?finaid_receiptRECEIPT
AMTISCRDL10Amount is per creditAmount is per creditfinaid_amtiscrdAMTISCRD
ISUNIVERSL10Is UniversalApplications Created by a conditionfinaid_isuniversISUNIVERS
AWDCONDC1500Award Conditionfinaid_AWDCONDAWDCOND
THANKYOUL10ThankyouIs a Thank You card required?finaid_thankyouTHANKYOU