CrossRoad On The Road
CROTR.exe is a cgi program allowing updating of the Prospective Student records. Note that this is designed to use encryption to protect the data being transmitted from the web browser to the web server.
Calling the program will ask for a Username and Password. These are the same as the username and password used to log into the Windows client for CrossRoad. Once you have succeeded in logging in you will be directed to the main menu.
Action Selection
The main menu allows you a four choices for action.
Find A Record
Find a record allows you to search for a record based on the student's name. This works on the surname, and supports partial matching. The next screen will show you a list of matching records as well as allowing you to do another search. To deal with a record, highlight the desired record and click "Select Record."
Address Tab
Contact Information
Communications Log
Parent Information
Save Changes
Find a Different Record
Email Prospective Student
Email Office Concerning Prospective Student
Email Parent of Prospective Student
Add Workflow
Return to Main Menu
====View New Section
Add A Record
Quick Add Contact Cards
Logout exits this system, deleting the various cookies used to track connection status. If this system is being used on a public computer, it is also strongly advised that you clear the browser cache and delete temporary internet files before closing your session.