Web Schedule Listings

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A cgi program called CourseList.exe allows the display of a course list and block schedule for a given year and term.

Normal Usage

The url without any parameters will display the current year and term with a drop down list of publicly released schedules. Three RELFILE.DBF entries support this display.

CrsLstYr.rel - is a tilde delimited list of year/term strings of released schedules. E.g. 2006/071~2006/073~

CrsLstGT.rel - is a tilde delimited list of grade types that are included. Several phantom grade types are available in CrossRoad; this allows the selection of only certain courses for display.

CrsLstDs.rel - is a complex list that translates the discipline codes (the first four characters of the course code) into English. These are used to build a navigation table and headings for each group. The list format is tilde delimited pairs of code and translation. E.g.

ARTH|Art History~ ARTS|Studio Art~ ASTR|Astronomy~

Note that seminars and labs are not listed on the first page of this site. However, they are displayed in the block schedule.

When a course is selected, its information is displayed, along with the detail on seminars/labs and a block schedule for that course.

Usage with URL specified parameters

It is also possible to specify parameters directly on the URL for this program. The four possible parameters are:

YEARTERM - a year/term string specifying the schedule to be viewed. Note that this overrides the released schedules, so it is possible to review schedules still in development.

CRSCODE - if specified, this will list the detail for this course. If omitted, the course list is displayed.

DISCLIST - if specified, this will limit the course list to the list. It is tilde delimited, and uses x as a single character wildcard and * as a multicharacter wildcard.

DISCTITLE - Inserts a descriptive title on the display. This is used in conjunction with DISCLIST.