Update Prospective Student File

From CrossRoad
Revision as of 17:59, 17 January 2008 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Deleting a Prospective Student)

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Prospective student records may be managed through this system or through CrossRoad On The Road (CROTR) which is a web interface to the same system. The intent is the this would be used when present on campus, where as CROTR interface would be used by traveling representatives.

Adding a New Prospective Student

A new prospective student is added by clicking the + sign on the toolbar, or by selecting the Edit | Delet. This will launch a step by step process that moves through each field and tab for this new record.

Editing an Existing Prospective Student

Deleting a Prospective Student

Deleting a record is accomplished by clicking the - sign on the toolbar.