KINGS - Computing Science
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Revision as of 21:47, 1 March 2012 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (New page: As part of the provincial Computing Science Articulation committee work, a proposal for the U of A to accept the newly revised CTS Computing Science curriculum for admission purposes has b...)
As part of the provincial Computing Science Articulation committee work, a proposal for the U of A to accept the newly revised CTS Computing Science curriculum for admission purposes has been shared with all institutions offering Computing Science programs. It has been tacitly agreed that we would have a common approach to admission, so King’s will accept Computer Science (CSE) (5 credits) Advanced Career and Technology Studies (CTS) as a single 30 level science course. These modules will be 5 of the following.
- CSE3010: Computer Science 3
- CSE3020: Computer Science 4
- CSE3110: Iterative Algorithms 1
- CSE3310: Recursive Algorithms 1
- CSE3120: Object-oriented Programming 1
- CSE3320: Dynamic Data Structures 1
- CSE3130: Object-oriented Programming 2
- CSE3330: Dynamic Data Structures 2
- CSE3140: Second Language Programming 2
- CSE3340: Dynamic Data Structures 3
- CSE3210: Server Side Scripting 1
- CSE3240: Robotics Programming 3
- CSE3910: CSE Project D
- CSE3920: CSE Project E
For students who took similar modules under a previous curriculum we will also accept 5 of the following INF modules as a single 30-level science course for admission.
- INF3210 Computer Science 3
- INF3010 Hardware/Software Analysis
- INF3150 Programming Application 1
- INF3160 Programming Application 2
- INF3170 Programming Application 3
- INF3020 Local Area Networks
- INF3200 Internet Services
- INF3220 Object-oriented Programming 2
- INF3230 Dynamic Data Structures 1
- INF3240 Dynamic Data Structures 2