System Parameters

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System Parameters Window

System Parameters are accessed through the icon SysP MTB icon.jpg .or. the main menu entry Utilities | System Settings | System Parameters. This will display the window below.

SysP Window.jpg

This window should be edited with care. Many of these settings are set at installation, or during term end processes, or on an annual basis.

Most importantly, changes to this screen do not become effective until CrossRoad is restarted. This includes other network users, so any changes should be followed by an instruction to all users to restart CrossRoad.

School Information

SysP SchoolInformation.jpg

School information identifies the institution, including the address for the Registrar's office. The "manager" entry is normally the name of the Registrar, but could be another individual responsible for maintenance of the system.

Process Control Numbers

SysP ProcessControl.jpg

These numbers are used to track and ensure the uniqueness of various system identifiers.

Prospect #This tracks prospective students.
File #This is assigned to every applicant, employee, advisor/instructor, and user.
Student IDThis is the "current" id series; this is displayed as a raw number, and so the leading zero is not displayed. However, the series are related to the last two digits of the year of admission. So if the current year of admission is 2009/10, the series will be 090000 (which will be displayed as 90000). The number is the next available number.
Previous IDThis is the previous series. If the current year is 2009/10, then the previous year is 2008/09, and this series will be 080000 (which is displayed as 80000). The number represents the next available id in this series. These two series are necessary as it is frequently the case that id numbers are being assigned for different academic years at the same time. For example, students may be admitted to a spring or summer term (and hence need the former series number) while new students are being admitted to the subsequent fall (and need the current series).
Transaction #This is the document number assigned to official course fee sheets and is important to the exchange of data with accounting systems.
Next Receipt #This is not currently used, but was formerly used to assign a sequential receipt number.
Barcode PrefixThis is typically static and is the first number of digits of the barcode assigned in CrossRoad. The balance of the barcode consists of the 6 digit student id followed by a check digit.
Transaction DateThis is the date after which CrossRoad will force current term transactions to be Official, and where the financial changes of adds and drops are recorded.
Mark SystemThis is the current marking system used by the institution.


SysP Fees.jpg

The fees portion of the window records the Credit fee which is the per credit rate that is used to calculate the tuition for a course. The audit fee is the per credit rate that is used to calculate the audit fee for a course. The Part Time Music Instruction fee is used with specific courses (defined in the Code Table) to calculate a fee for part-time students taking this course that is different from the credit fee. As implied by the name, this is typically used for cost recovery for private music lessons, but could be applied to other areas.

Academic Terms

SysP AcademicTerms.jpg

The Academic Terms first records the current academic year and term. While this is usually set during the Term End process, this can be set here.

The Terms box allows the institution to define term names and typical start dates (expressed as dd/mm).

Note that changes in the term definitions should be made very carefully as it will impact all historical transcripts. Please contact Keeler Services prior to changing any of these definitions.