ADVCRED Structure

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FieldNameData TypeLengthDecimalsPictureCaptionDescriptionHelpContextName
STUDIDN60999999Student IDStudent Identification NumberSTUDID
CRSCODEC120Course CodeCourse code for the course being transferred inCRSCODE
INSTNAMEC700NoteNote concerning the transfer of this creditTRANSFERNOTE
EQUIVC80@!@R XXXX-999XCourse CodeCourse code associated with this courseCRSCODE
MARKC40Original MarkMark received for this course from the sending institutionMARK
CREDITN62CreditAmount of credit awarded for this transfer credit courseCREDIT
TAGC250Program TagFunction of this course in the student's programTAG
APPLIEDC80AppliedProgram to which this credit has been appliedAPPLIED
MARKSYSC20Mark SystemMark system used with this markTARGETSYS
DATEAWARDD80Awarded OnDate on which this advance credit was awardedDATEAWARD
OPERATORC140OperatorOperator who made this entry or last changed itOPERATOR
IDCENTN2099ID CenturyCentury of Student Identification NumberIDCENT