SESSIONS Structure
From CrossRoad
Revision as of 04:43, 16 September 2009 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (New page: <table border><Caption>SESSIONS</caption> <tr><th>FieldName</th><th>Data Type</th><th>Length</th><th>Decimals</th><th>Picture</th><th>Caption</th><th>Description</th><th>HelpContext</th><t...)
FieldName | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Picture | Caption | Description | HelpContext | Name |
YEAR | C | 7 | 0 | @K 9999/99 | Year | Academic Year | YEAR | |
SESSION | C | 1 | 0 | 9 | Session | Academic Term | TERM | |
CRSCODE | C | 8 | 0 | @!@R XXXX-999X | Course Code | Course code associated with this course | CRSCODE | |
SLI | C | 2 | 0 | !! | Seminar/Lab | Seminar or Lab for this course | SLI | |
ENROL | N | 3 | 0 | Enrolment | Enrolment in this class | ENROL | ENROL | |
MAXENROL | N | 3 | 0 | Maximum | Maximum enrolment in this class | MAXENROL | MAXENROL | |
INSTR1 | C | 12 | 0 | Advisor | Academic Advisor assigned to this individual | ADVISOR | ||
INSTR2 | C | 12 | 0 | Advisor | Academic Advisor assigned to this individual | ADVISOR | ||
GRDTYP | C | 2 | 0 | Credit Type | Type of credit for this course | GRDTYP | ||
CREDITS | N | 5 | 2 | Credits | Amount of credit associated with this course | CREDITS | ||
CLSAVG | N | 6 | 2 | Class Average | Class Average | CLSAVG | CLSAVG | |
CREDFEE | N | 8 | 2 | Credit Fee | Credit fee for this class | CREDFEE | CREDFEE | |
AUDFEE | N | 8 | 2 | Audit Fee | Audit Fee for this class | AUDFEE | AUDFEE | |
CRSDESC | C | 30 | 0 | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Title | Course title or desciption | CRSDESC | |
PTMIFEE | N | 8 | 2 | PT Instruction Fee | Part Time Music Instruction fee | sessions_PTMIFEE | PTMIFEE | |
CLSDYS | C | 10 | 0 | Class Days | Days on which this class meets | CLSDYS | CLSDYS | |
CLSTIM | C | 10 | 0 | Class Times | Times at which this class meets | CLSTIM | CLSTIM | |
DURAT | C | 10 | 0 | Duration | Duration of classes | DURAT | DURAT | |
ROOM | C | 150 | 0 | Room | Class Room List | ClsRoom | ROOM | |
WAITING | N | 3 | 0 | Waiting | Number of students on the waiting list for this course | WAITING | WAITING | |
SECTCOST | N | 10 | 2 | Section Cost | Cost for this section | SECTCOST | SECTCOST | |
EXAMDATE | D | 8 | 0 | Exam date | Date for the final examination in this course | EXAMDATE | EXAMDATE | |
EXAMPERIOD | C | 1 | 0 | Exam period | Period of the final examination of this course | EXAMPERIOD | EXAMPERIOD | |
PREREQ | C | 65 | 0 | Prerequisite | Prerequisite courses for this course | PREREQ | ||
SPECCODE | C | 2 | 0 | Cycle | Annual cycling of this course | SPECCODE | ||
REPEATABLE | L | 1 | 0 | Repeatable | Is this course repeatable without replacing previous instances? | REPEATABLE | REPEATABLE | |
FROM_DATE | D | 8 | 0 | From | Date from which the applicant attended this institution | FROM_DATE | ||
TO_DATE | D | 8 | 0 | To | Class End Date | TO_DATE | ||
EXAMROOM | C | 2 | 0 | Examroom | Room for this examination | EXAMROOM | EXAMROOM | |
REGNUMBER | C | 9 | 0 | Regnumber | Registration Number | regnumber | REGNUMBER | |
TARGETSYS | C | 2 | 0 | Mark System | Mark system used with this mark | TARGETSYS | ||
NONSTDTIM | C | 20 | 0 | Non Standard Times | Non Standard Times | Non Standard Times | NONSTDTIM | |
COREQ | C | 60 | 0 | Co-requisite | Co-requisite requirements for this course | COREQ |