IAPPLICS Structure

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FieldNameData TypeLengthDecimalsPictureCaptionDescriptionHelpContextName
ENTCODEN5099999File #Application File NumberENTCODE
ENTSEMC109SessionAcademic TermTERM
APPLDATED80Applied OnDate on which this application was madeAPPLDATE
REGNYRC70@K 9999/99YearAcademic YearYEAR
NTEGPAN41GPAPrevious post-secondary GPA used for admissionNTEGPA
NTEINTERC120ProgramProgram Applied for by this individualNTEINTER
ADMDATED80Admission DateDate on which an admissions decision for this applicant was madeADMDATE
ADMDECIC120Log EntriesCommunication Log Entries for this individualADMDECI
ADMDECCC20Admission DecisionAdmissions decision made on this applicationADMDECC
READYDECL10Ready for DecisionIs this application ready for an admissions decision?READYDEC
RECOMMREQDN10# RequiredNumber of recommendations required for this applicantRECOMMREQD
RECOMMRCVDN10# ReceivedNumber of recommendations received for this applicantRECOMMRCVD
FILSTATC20File StatusApplication file status for this individualFILSTAT
ADMSTATC20Admission StatusAdmissions status for this individualADMSTAT