Admissions Reports

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Revision as of 17:58, 23 January 2015 by (talk) (4. Profile Reports - Christian Affirmation, Denominational Origin, Geographic Region, High School Origin, Initially Heard)

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Running Weekly Admission Reports

General Comments

1. Stats are run every Friday, except over Christmas

2. If King's is closed on the Friday, then run the reports on Thursday, but change your King's System Date to the Friday

Fall Stats

1. Are run every week starting the first Friday in December to the Add/Drop Deadline in September

2. Run an Official Fall Stats a second time, the follow week, once Fall Appeals are complete. Check with the Associate Registrar, change your system date to the add/drop deadline

Winter Stats

1. Are run every week starting the second Friday after the add/drop deadline in September, around September 20, to the add/drop deadline in January. This means from December and January, you are running both the Fall and Winter stats each week.

2. Run an Official Winter Stats a second time, the follow week, once Winter Appeals are complete. Check with the Associate Registrar, change your system date to the add/drop deadline.


In the Admission Reports folder

1. Create a new folder with last weeks date, YYYYMMDD

2. Copy last weeks reports into the new folder

3. Open current students

1. Progress Of Application

-File, Print, Application, Progress of Application

a. "Enter Year and Term" Pop-up: Enter in year and term, deselect the start date, click ok

b. "Select programs to exclude" Pop-up: Select {CMTY CHRS}, click ok

-this excludes all students registered in Community Chorus

c. "Restrict by Courses" Pop-up: type in term stats filter, arrow down key, click use

-this removes students on academic leave

d. "Enter Date" Pop-up: This should automatically default to the date before the first day of classes, click ok

e. "Enter date from which to start the report" Pop-up: For the fall, this is the first Friday in December, for the winter, this is the second Friday after the add/drop deadline in September, around September 20.

f. Print the the document to PDF and save it over last week's report in the Admission Reports Folder

g. "Save Data" Pop-up: Yes -Clicking yes creates a new date entry and should only click by the person official running the weekly reports on the Friday the report is officially run

h. "Print Group Lists" Pop-up: only if you want detail listing from the report

Special Notes about this report

i. Everything left of and including Admitted should equal Total Applications

ii. Everything left of and including New Reg'd Paid should equal Admitted

iii. After June 15, Returning Reg'd and Students Paid should be the same

iv. New Reg'd and Returning Paid should equal Total Reg Paid

2. Applications Received

-File, Print, Application, Application Received

a. "Enter Year and Term" Pop-up: Enter the year and term, change start date to the start date for the term, as described in Progress of Application, bullet e.

b. Print the the document to PDF and save it over last week's report in the Admission Reports Folder

Special Notes about this report: none

3. Profile Reports - Program Interest

- File, print, profile report

a. "Profile Section" Pop-up: Select Applicant records for a given term, enter in the year and term, click ok

b. select Program Interest, click ok

c. Print the the document to PDF and save it over last week's report in the Admission Reports Folder

Special Notes about this report i. This profile MUST be run independently, if not, it will double the number of students

ii. If there is an entry *Unknown Program*, there is an applicant who has a blank program. Rerun the report, click the Print Detail button to get the student's name. Identify the program they applied for and enter it, then rerun the report.

4. Profile Reports - Christian Affirmation, Denominational Origin, Geographic Region, High School Origin, Initially Heard

These are the same as running the profile report. All of them can be run at the same time (hold the Ctrl button and click each one)

Special Notes about these reports

Christian Affirmation - None

Denominational Origin - *Unknown Denomination*: Once a month, print this report in detail and send the Unknowns to Karen to fix.

Geographic Region - Any Unknowns: Once a month, print this report in detail and send the Unknowns to Henry to fix.

High School Origin - To be added: Once a month, print this report in detail and send to Karen to fix

NOTE: All these must be fixed when you run Official Stats for any term.

5. Profile Reports - Residence Accommodation

- Run this report for the Fall only, starting when Student life starts accepting applications for the upcoming fall (sometime in Feb/March)

- File, print, profile report

a. "Profile Section" Pop-up: Select All applicant and student records, enter in the year and term, click ok

b. Select Residence Accommodation, click ok

c. Print the the document to PDF and save it over last week's report in the Admission Reports Folder