Data Structures

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This page lists the various datatables used in CrossRoad with links to pages of their structures. The tables should be accessed only by those who have been authorized to do so by Keeler Services.


ACADSTAT StructureACADWARN StructureAD Structure
ADMTEST StructureADVCRED StructureADVISORS Structure
ALUMPW StructureAPP StructureAPPCOUNT Structure
APPHIST StructureAPPLICS StructureARCCOMM Structure
ARCCRED StructureARCCRS StructureARCHSAD Structure
ARCMAST StructureARCPPS StructureARCSPDT Structure
ARCSTUD StructureARCTEST StructureARCTX Structure
ARCXTRA StructureATTEND StructureAUTHHIST Structure
AUTO StructureBAND StructureBARCODES Structure
BG StructureCCINVAL StructureCHAPEL Structure
CHKINBAL StructureCHURCHES StructureCODETABL Structure
COMMENTS StructureCOMMLOG StructureCONC Structure
COUNTRY StructureCOURSEDE StructureCOURSES Structure
CRDITLIM StructureCRITERIA StructureCROSLIST Structure
CRSCHG StructureCRSTIME StructureCRSTRANS Structure
DEADFILE StructureDENOM StructureDISBURS Structure
DOCANNO StructureDOCLIST StructureDOCTYPES Structure
EM StructureEMPL StructureEXCEPT Structure
FAPPCOST StructureFAPPITEM StructureFAPPLICS Structure
FAPPNOTE StructureFINAID StructureFINAPPS Structure
FINWIN StructureFORMERCR StructureGENSTATS Structure
GOVTREP StructureGROUPS StructureHONORS Structure
HS StructureHSADMIS StructureHSCHOOL Structure
HTMLFILE StructureIAPPLICS StructureINITCRED Structure
INVLOG StructureJOBAPPS StructureJOBRESUM Structure
JOBS StructureKUC StructureL30 Structure
LABUSER StructureLDEXT StructureLIAISON Structure
LOANS StructureLOCKOUT StructureMARKSYS Structure
MASTER StructureMEDICAL StructureMINORS Structure
NM StructurePAYMENTS StructurePERIODS Structure
PREVPS StructurePROGRAMS StructurePRSPHIST Structure
PS StructurePSECOND StructurePW Structure
QIDATES StructureQIFEES StructureQIRULES Structure
REGISTER StructureREGPROG StructureRELFILE Structure
RESPONSE StructureRESTRICT StructureREZ Structure
REZAPP StructureROOMS StructureRPTPARAM Structure
SCHOLARS StructureSDACONF StructureSESSIONS Structure
SISMM StructureSISSYS StructureSLI Structure
STUDENTS StructureSTUPRGDT StructureSTUSERV Structure
SYLLABU2 StructureSYLLABUS StructureT2202A Structure
TRANSFER StructureTRANTABL StructureTRUBLST Structure
USERS StructureVERSION StructureWAITLIST Structure
WEBAID StructureWEBDATES StructureWEBINI2 Structure
WINACCES StructureWITHHELD StructureWORKFLOW Structure
XTRA Structure


Current File IndexesArchive File IndexesRoot File Indexes

ERD Diagrams

Below are links to some partial ERD diagrams. At certain points in CrossRoad, the number and complexity of tables does not lend itself to simple diagramming. To simplify these, a number of support table and code table entities have been omitted.

Advisors-Instructors ERDCourse Offerings ERDCourse Templates ERD
Current Students ERDProspective Students ERD