FINAPPS Structure

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Revision as of 01:29, 8 September 2009 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

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FieldNameData TypeLengthDecimalsPictureCaptionDescriptionHelpContextName
ENTCODEN5099999File #Application File NumberENTCODE
FINAIDIDN50IdentificationFinancial aid package identification numberFINAIDID
YEARC70@K 9999/99YearAcademic YearYEAR
AWARDEDL10AwardedThe applicant was awarded this package.AWARDEDAWARDED
PRIORITYN20PriorityThe priority the decision making body gave to this applicantPRIORITYPRIORITY
AMOUNTN102AmountAmount of awardAMOUNT
EXPORTAMTN102Export Amount:Amount exported to Accounts Receivable.EXPORTAMTEXPORTAMT
THANKYOUL10ThankyouHas a Thank You card been received?finapps_thankyouTHANKYOU