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Latest revision as of 04:23, 16 November 2009
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FieldName | Data Type | Length | Decimals | Picture | Caption | Description | HelpContext | Name |
ENTCODE | N | 5 | 0 | 99999 | File # | Application File Number | ENTCODE | |
STUDID | N | 6 | 0 | 999999 | Student ID | Student Identification Number | STUDID | |
SIN | C | 9 | 0 | @R 999-999-999 | Social Insurance Number | Social Insurance Number | SIN | |
SURNAME | C | 20 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | Surname | Family Name of this individual | SURNAME | |
FNAME | C | 15 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | First Name | First or Given name for this individual | FNAME | |
INITIAL | C | 1 | 0 | ! | Middle Initial | Middle Initial of this individual | INITIAL | |
SEX | C | 1 | 0 | ! | Gender | Gender of this individual | SEX | |
MARITAL | C | 1 | 0 | ! | Marital Status | Marital status of this individual | MARITAL | |
ADDR1 | C | 40 | 0 | ADDR1 | ADDR1 | |||
CITY | C | 20 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | City | City or Town | CHURLCCITY | |
PROV | C | 2 | 0 | !! | Province | Province or State | PROVLOC | |
HCNTY | C | 15 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | County | County of residence for this individual | HCNTY | |
BIRTHDAY | D | 8 | 0 | Birth Date | Date of birth of this individual | BIRTHDAY | ||
COUNTRY | C | 20 | 0 | @! | Country | Country | COUNTRY | |
PCODE | C | 9 | 0 | @! | PostalCode | Postal or Zip Code | PCODELOC | |
PHONE | C | 10 | 0 | @R (999)999-9999 | Phone Number | Phone Number | phone | PHONEEMG |
OLDNAME | C | 20 | 0 | @! | Former Name | Former surname for this individual | OLDNAME | |
SCHOOL | C | 30 | 0 | @! | School | High School of this individual | SCHOOL | |
SCHCITY | C | 20 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | City | City or Town | CHURLCCITY | |
HCHURCH | C | 30 | 0 | @! | Church | Church of this individual | CHURLOC | |
DENOM | C | 4 | 0 | Denomination | Denomination of this individual | DENOMLOC | ||
PRGINT | C | 4 | 0 | Major/Concentration | Major or Concentration for this program | CONC | ||
RACORG | C | 6 | 0 | @! | Racial Origin | Racial Origin of this individual | RACORG | |
GRADUATED | L | 1 | 0 | Graduated | Indicates whether this individual has graduated | GRADUATED | ||
ALUM | D | 8 | 0 | Date Sent to Alumni | Date data sent to alumni files. | arcmast_ALUM | ALUM | |
PREVGRAD | C | 20 | 0 | Previous Grad Yr | Years of previous graduations of this student from this institution | PREVGRAD | ||
ENTSEM | C | 1 | 0 | 9 | Session | Academic Term | TERM | |
APPLDATE | D | 8 | 0 | Applied On | Date on which this application was made | APPLDATE | ||
REGNYR | C | 7 | 0 | @K 9999/99 | Year | Academic Year | YEAR | |
MATRC1 | C | 4 | 0 | # Courses Submitted | Number of high school courses submitted for admission | MATRC1 | ||
MATRC2 | C | 1 | 0 | Transcript | Status of high school transcript received | MATRC2 | ||
MATAVG | N | 4 | 1 | Average | Admission average for this applicant | MATAVG | ||
NUMPS | N | 2 | 0 | # of Previous PSI | Number of previous post-secondary institutions reported by this applicant | NUMPS | ||
NTEINTRM | L | 1 | 0 | Interim | Indicates whether the GPA is an interim one | NTEINTRM | ||
NTEGPA | N | 4 | 1 | GPA | Previous post-secondary GPA used for admission | NTEGPA | ||
NTETOEFL | N | 3 | 0 | TOEFL | Score on the TOEFL or equivalent exam | NTETOEFL | ||
NTETWE | N | 3 | 1 | TWE | Score on TWE or equivalent exam | NTETWE | ||
NTEINTER | C | 12 | 0 | Program | Program Applied for by this individual | NTEINTER | ||
REFEREN | L | 1 | 0 | REFEREN | REFEREN | |||
TRNSCPRV | N | 1 | 0 | # Official | Number of official transcripts received | TRNSCPRV | ||
READMRK | N | 3 | 0 | Reading Mark | Reading mark on english supplemental test | READMRK | ||
WRITMRK | N | 3 | 0 | Writing Mark | Writing mark on english supplemental test | WRITMRK | ||
ADMDATE | D | 8 | 0 | Admission Date | Date on which an admissions decision for this applicant was made | ADMDATE | ||
ADMDECI | C | 12 | 0 | Log Entries | Communication Log Entries for this individual | ADMDECI | ||
ADMDECC | C | 2 | 0 | Admission Decision | Admissions decision made on this application | ADMDECC | ||
ADDRLOC | C | 40 | 0 | ADDRLOC | ADDRLOC | |||
CITYLOC | C | 20 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | City | City or Town | CHURLCCITY | |
PCODELOC | C | 9 | 0 | @! | PostalCode | Postal or Zip Code | PCODELOC | |
PHONELOC | C | 10 | 0 | @R (999)999-9999 | Phone Number | Phone Number | phone | PHONEEMG |
NAMEEMG | C | 30 | 0 | @! | Name | Emergency Contact name | NAMEEMG | |
ADDREMG | C | 40 | 0 | ADDREMG | ADDREMG | |||
PHONEEMG | C | 10 | 0 | @R (999)999-9999 | Phone Number | Phone Number | phone | PHONEEMG |
RELATEMG | C | 10 | 0 | Relationship | Relationship of this emergency contact to the individual | RELATEMG | ||
CHURLOC | C | 30 | 0 | @! | Church | Church of this individual | CHURLOC | |
DENOMLOC | C | 4 | 0 | Denomination | Denomination of this individual | DENOMLOC | ||
GRADYR | C | 2 | 0 | Graduation Year | The graduation year for which this student has applied | gradyr | GRADYR | |
ADVCRED | N | 6 | 2 | 999.99 | Advance Credit | Advance credit granted to this individual | ADVCRED | |
TKCCRED | N | 6 | 2 | Local Credits | Credits earned towards the current program at this institution | TKCCRED | ||
GRADUATE | C | 4 | 0 | Graduate | ?? | graduate | GRADUATE | |
DEGREE | C | 4 | 0 | @! XXXX | Degree | Degree program | DEGREE | |
CONC1 | C | 4 | 0 | Major/Concentration | Major or Concentration for this program | CONC | ||
CONC2 | C | 4 | 0 | Major/Concentration | Major or Concentration for this program | CONC | ||
PREVDEGREE | C | 60 | 0 | Previous degrees | Previous degrees completed by this student at this institution | PREVDEGREE | ||
LOCKOUT | L | 1 | 0 | On hold | Is this student's account on hold? | LOCKOUT | ||
LOCKSOURCE | C | 1 | 0 | Source | Source of the hold on this student's account | LOCKSOURCE | ||
BARCODE | C | 13 | 0 | Barcode | Barcode issued to this individual | BARCODE | ||
HCHCITY | C | 20 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | City | City or Town | CHURLCCITY | |
RECOMMREQD | N | 1 | 0 | # Required | Number of recommendations required for this applicant | RECOMMREQD | ||
RECOMMRCVD | N | 1 | 0 | # Received | Number of recommendations received for this applicant | RECOMMRCVD | ||
PROVLOC | C | 2 | 0 | !! | Province | Province or State | PROVLOC | |
CHURLCCITY | C | 20 | 0 | @! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | City | City or Town | CHURLCCITY | |
IDCENT | N | 2 | 0 | 99 | ID Century | Century of Student Identification Number | IDCENT | |
EXTNLOC | C | 5 | 0 | Local Extension | Local Extension | arcmast_Extnloc | EXTNLOC | |
EXTN | C | 5 | 0 | Extension | Home Extension | arcmast_extn | EXTN | |
COUNTRYLOC | C | 20 | 0 | Countryloc | arcmast_countryloc | COUNTRYLOC | ||
CELLPHONE | C | 10 | 0 | Cellphone | arcmast_cellphone | CELLPHONE |