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(New page: <br />Setting up CGI Services for CrossRoad <br /> <br />This is a brief overview of the setup for CGI services for CrossRoad, including Services for Students, Services for Faculty, and E...)
Line 1: Line 1:
<br />Setting up CGI Services for CrossRoad
= Setting up CGI Services for CrossRoad =
<br />
<br />This is a brief overview of the setup for CGI
This is a brief overview of the setup for CGI services for CrossRoad, including Services for Students, Services for Faculty, and Electronic Applications.
services for CrossRoad, including Services for Students, Services for Faculty,
and Electronic Applications.
== General process ==
<br />
<br /><b>General process:</b>
<li>Setup underlying OS. This can be Windows 2000, or 2003.</li>
<li>Setup underlying OS. This can be Windows 2000, or 2003.</li>
Line 44: Line 41:
CCINVAL.DBF MINORS.DBF WEBAID.DBF. These are described below.</li>
CCINVAL.DBF MINORS.DBF WEBAID.DBF. These are described below.</li>
<br />
== Webini.dbf Contents ==
<br /><b>Webini.dbf Contents</b>
The sample below indicates the contents as used by King’s. Note that EAS refers to the on-line application system.
<br />The sample below indicates the contents as
used by King’s. Note that EAS refers to the on-line application system.
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>LINE</td><td nowrap valign=bottom>DESCRIPTIO</td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>\\kingsnet\reg\apps\sis\dbf.mm\</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Current Database location</td></tr>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>\\kingsnet\reg\apps\sis\arc.mm\</td>
<br />LINE</a>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>ArchiveDatabase location</td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/login.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Student login URL</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />\\kingsnet\reg\apps\sis\dbf.mm\
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Current
Database location
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/kinglogo.gif</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Institution Logo URL</td>
<br />\\kingsnet\reg\apps\sis\arc.mm\
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Archive
Database location
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/weblkup.exe?</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Student Advising Available Courses URL</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/login.exe
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Student
login URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/webadvis.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Faculty Advising URL</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/kinglogo.gif
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Institution
Logo URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>C-</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Threshold Mark for inclusion in major for transfer credit</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/weblkup.exe?
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Student
Advising Available Courses URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/webadvis.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Faculty Advising URL</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/webadvis.exe
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Faculty
Advising URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/weblkup.exe?</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Faculty Advising Available Courses URL</td>
<br />C-
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Threshold
Mark for inclusion in major for transfer credit
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/mainmenu.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Student Mainmenu</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/webadvis.exe
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Faculty
Advising URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom><br><a href=mailto:registrar@kingsu.ca>The Registry @ 465-8330</a></td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Trouble mailto setting</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/weblkup.exe?
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Faculty
Advising Available Courses URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/classlst.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Faculty Classlist URL</td>
<br />https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/mainmenu.exe
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Student
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_a.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Admissions URL</td>
<br /><br><a
href=mailto:registrar@kingsu.ca>The Registry @ 465-8330</a>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Trouble
mailto setting
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_r.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Rez URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Faculty
Classlist URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_f.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Financial Aid URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Admissions URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>http://luke.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_s</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Submissions URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>http://luke.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_m</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Menu URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Financial Aid URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/cgi-bin/eas_main.pl</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Main Callback URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Submissions URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>Glenn.Keeler@kingsu.ca,Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Applications Email Addresses</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Menu URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca,Glenn.Keeler@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Rez Applications Email Addresses</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Main Callback URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>glenn.keeler@kingsu.ca,Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS FinAid Applications Email Addresses</td>
<br />Glenn.Keeler@kingsu.ca,Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Applications Email Addresses
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>http://luke.kingsu.ca/eas/easkucerr.html</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>EAS Error Url</td>
<br />Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca,Glenn.Keeler@kingsu.ca
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Rez Applications Email Addresses
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>1~2~</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Web Advising "<st1:place w:st="on">Normal</st1:place>" Terms</td>
<br />glenn.keeler@kingsu.ca,Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
FinAid Applications Email Addresses
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>300</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Web Advising Senior Course Threshold</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />EAS
Error Url
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>3.5</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Web Advising With Distinction GPA</td>
<br />1~2~
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Web
Advising "<st1:place w:st="on">Normal</st1:place>" Terms
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>http://luke.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/CGImail</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Email handler for address changes</td>
<br />300
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Web
Advising Senior Course Threshold
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>x:\apps\pmail\winpm-32</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom> </td>
<br />3.5
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Web
Advising With Distinction GPA
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>mailgate1.kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Email server for CrossRoad on the Road</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Email
handler for address changes
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>admissions@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Enrollment Services Email for CrossRoad on the Road</td>
<br />x:\apps\pmail\winpm-32
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>registrar@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Email address for address changes</td>
<br />mailgate1.kingsu.ca
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Email
server for CrossRoad on the Road
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebReg.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>URL for Web Registration</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Enrollment
Services Email for CrossRoad on the Road
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>registrar@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Web Registration Email Address</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Email
address for address changes
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebAdvis.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Student Advising URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />URL
for Web Registration
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/ChgFPW.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Web Password Change URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Web
Registration Email Address
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/FacMenu.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Faculty Menu</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Student
Advising URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebReview.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Faculty On-line Registration Review and Approval</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Web
Password Change URL
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>registrar@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>From Address for most communication</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Faculty
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>registrar@kingsu.ca</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Academic Warning Address</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Faculty
On-line Registration Review and Approval
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/CourseEval.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Course Evaluation URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />From
Address for most communication
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>\\kingsnet\app\apps\evalsys\</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>Course Evaluation File Path</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Academic
Warning Address
<tr><td nowrap valign=bottom>https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebContact.exe</td>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<td nowrap valign=bottom>New Advisee Contact URL</td>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Course
Evaluation URL
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />\\kingsnet\app\apps\evalsys\
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />Course
Evaluation File Path
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br /><a
<td nowrap valign=bottom>
<br />New
Advisee Contact URL
<br />
== Relfile.dbf Contents ==
<br /><b>Relfile.dbf Contents</b>
Here are the contents of this file. Entries appear in the file in the order of the RELFILE field, but below are grouped by
<br />Here is the contents of this file. Entries
applications that are affected.  
appear in the file in the order of the RELFILE field, but below are grouped by
applications that are affected.
=== Application Related ===
<br />
<br />Application Related
==== Admission Application ====
<br />
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
<br />ADMFEE.REL</td>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />2006/0750.00;2007/0850.00~2006/07100.00;2007/08100.00~2006/07100.00;2007/08100.00~
<br />2006/0750.00;2007/0850.00~2006/07100.00;2007/08100.00~2006/07100.00;2007/08100.00~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This field
<br />This field
Line 477: Line 190:
that the first set is the standard fee (years are distinguished by
that the first set is the standard fee (years are distinguished by
semi-colons) the second is the late application fee, and the third is the
semi-colons) the second is the late application fee, and the third is the
international application fee.
international application fee.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />ADMTAB.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />NM|Name~AD|Address~EM|Emergency
<br />NM|Name~AD|Address~EM|Emergency
Contact~BG|Biographical~HS|High School~L30|Grade 12 Courses~PS|Previous
Contact~BG|Biographical~HS|High School~L30|Grade 12 Courses~PS|Previous
Post-Secondary~KUC-1|Program Information~KUC-4|Further
Post-Secondary~KUC-1|Program Information~KUC-4|Further
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This determine
<br />This determine
which tabs from the application process are available. The coded name appears
which tabs from the application process are available. The coded name appears
before the pipe character with the display name after that.
before the pipe character with the display name after that.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />APPLDDAT.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />2006/072:20070112~2006/073:20070501~2006/074:20070525~2007/081:20070815~2007/082:20071201~
<br />2006/072:20070112~2006/073:20070501~2006/074:20070525~2007/081:20070815~2007/082:20071201~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />These are the
<br />These are the
deadeline dates for each year and term.
deadeline dates for each year and term.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />APPLDEAD.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />Fall Term 15
<br />Fall Term 15
August~ Winter Term 12 January~BEd Applications 2007/08 will release
August~ Winter Term 12 January~BEd Applications 2007/08 will release
decisions on approximately 31 March 2007 and 15 May 2007.~
decisions on approximately 31 March 2007 and 15 May 2007.~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This is a text
<br />This is a text
statement of the application dates for fall,winter and a special statement.
statement of the application dates for fall,winter and a special statement.
This would need to be customized for users other than King’s.
This would need to be customized for users other than King’s.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />APPLIC.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />2006/073~2006/074~2007/081~
<br />2006/073~2006/074~2007/081~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This is a
<br />This is a
definition of the available application year and terms.
definition of the available application year and terms.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />APPLNOTE.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />  
<br /> </td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This allows the
<br />This allows the
insertion of a special note about applications, such as the extension of a
insertion of a special note about applications, such as the extension of a
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />CARDTYPE.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />MASTERCARD|MasterCard~VISA|Visa~CHEQUE|Cheque
<br />MASTERCARD|MasterCard~VISA|Visa~CHEQUE|Cheque
to be mailed~FUNDSTRANSFER|Funds Transfer~INPERSON|Will pay in person at
to be mailed~FUNDSTRANSFER|Funds Transfer~INPERSON|Will pay in person at
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />These are the
<br />These are the
definitions of acceptable payment types, with the code followed by a pipe
definitions of acceptable payment types, with the code followed by a pipe
character followed by the text displayed.
character followed by the text displayed.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />LANGREQ.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
Line 576: Line 262:
or at an approved institution outside Canada as outlined above~TKUC|I have
or at an approved institution outside Canada as outlined above~TKUC|I have
already taken TKUC's ENGL204 or 205~KEST|I am requesting the King's English
already taken TKUC's ENGL204 or 205~KEST|I am requesting the King's English
Language Studies Assessment Test~
Language Studies Assessment Test~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
acceptable English proficiency demonstrations.
acceptable English proficiency demonstrations.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />SOURCE.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />BILLBOARD|Billboard
<br />BILLBOARD|Billboard
Ad~FACSTAFF|Faculty or Staff Member~FAMILY|Family~FRIEND|Friend~NEWS|News
Ad~FACSTAFF|Faculty or Staff Member~FAMILY|Family~FRIEND|Friend~NEWS|News
coverage~ALUM|Previous King's Student~PRINT|Print Ad~RADIO|Radio or TV
coverage~ALUM|Previous King's Student~PRINT|Print Ad~RADIO|Radio or TV
Ad~SCHOOL|School Contact~INTERNET|Internet~
Ad~SCHOOL|School Contact~INTERNET|Internet~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
accepted categories for the responses to the “I first heard about” question.
accepted categories for the responses to the “I first heard about” question.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />SPECIAL.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />  
<br /> </td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This allows the
<br />This allows the
definition of “Special” programs. Currently unused.
definition of “Special” programs. Currently unused.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />SPECTERM.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />  
<br /> </td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This defines valid
<br />This defines valid
terms for the special program.
terms for the special program.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />STDSTAT.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />FT|Full-Time~PT|Part-Time~VS|Visiting~SS|Unclassified~
<br />FT|Full-Time~PT|Part-Time~VS|Visiting~SS|Unclassified~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
possible student status types for the application.
possible student status types for the application.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />SUBAPPS.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />AIDAPP|Financial
<br />AIDAPP|Financial
Aid*~EMPAPP|Campus Employment*~MUSAPP|Music~APPATH|Athletics~
Aid*~EMPAPP|Campus Employment*~MUSAPP|Music~APPATH|Athletics~</td>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
additional applications that can be requested.
additional applications that can be requested.</td>
<tr><td width="14%" valign=top>
<td width="14%" valign=top>
<br />REQMINOR.REL</td>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<td width="38%" valign=top>
<br />BA4
<br />BA4
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<td width="47%" valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
programs that has a required minor.
programs that has a required minor.</td>
<br />
<br />
==== Residence Application ====
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />CLUBS.REL</td>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />ISA|International
<br />ISA|International
Line 686: Line 342:
Society~SSC|The Snowboarding/Ski
Society~SSC|The Snowboarding/Ski
Club~IFC|The International Films Club~LDC|Liturgical
Club~IFC|The International Films Club~LDC|Liturgical
Dance Club~
Dance Club~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
various student clubs that might be selected on the residence application.
various student clubs that might be selected on the residence application.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />MEALPLAN.REL</td>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />BASIC|Basic
<br />BASIC|Basic
($2600 deposit per year)~OPT1|Limited ($2200 deposit per
($2600 deposit per year)~OPT1|Limited ($2200 deposit per
year)~APT1|Apartment, no meal plan required~
year)~APT1|Apartment, no meal plan required~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
available mealplans.
available mealplans.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />OCCUPANC.REL</td>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />2F|Tower Full Year
<br />2F|Tower Full Year
Line 717: Line 365:
occupancy : ($4000 for the full year)~6F|Apartment Full Year occupancy :
occupancy : ($4000 for the full year)~6F|Apartment Full Year occupancy :
($2400 for the full
($2400 for the full
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
available occupancies.
available occupancies.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />REZDEAD.REL</td>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />15 August
<br />15 August</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the text
<br />This defines the text
for the application deadline.
for the application deadline.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />REZFEE.REL</td>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />2004/05400.00~2005/06400.00~2006/07400.00~2007/08400.00~
<br />2004/05400.00~2005/06400.00~2006/07400.00~2007/08400.00~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
required deposit by year of application.
required deposit by year of application.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />REZINTER.REL</td>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />T|Team sports
<br />T|Team sports
(volleyball, basketball, soccer, etc)~E|Extreme sports (mountain biking,
(volleyball, basketball, soccer, etc)~E|Extreme sports (mountain biking,
snowboarding, skiing, etc)~M|Music~C|Computers~R|Reading and
snowboarding, skiing, etc)~M|Music~C|Computers~R|Reading and
Writing~O|Outdoor activities (hiking, camping, etc)~
Writing~O|Outdoor activities (hiking, camping, etc)~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
different interests that might be selected on the residence application.
different interests that might be selected on the residence application.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />REZMUSIC.REL</td>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<td width="52%" valign=top>
<br />A|Alternative~P|Punk/ska~C|Country~H|Heavy
<br />A|Alternative~P|Punk/ska~C|Country~H|Heavy
metal~L|Classical~J|Jazz~O|Pop~X|I am tolerant of all types of music~
metal~L|Classical~J|Jazz~O|Pop~X|I am tolerant of all types of music~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
different </td>
<br />
<br />
==== Financial Aid ====
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />FINAID.REL</td>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="53%" valign=top>
<td width="53%" valign=top>
<br />01/02/2007~31/03/2007~
<br />01/02/2007~31/03/2007~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
period during which applications for financial aid will be accepted.
period during which applications for financial aid will be accepted.</td>
<tr><td width="10%" valign=top>
<td width="10%" valign=top>
<br />FINSTMT.REL</td>
<td width="53%" valign=top>
<td width="53%" valign=top>
<br />XTNCMT|Statement
<br />XTNCMT|Statement
Line 823: Line 445:
further your studies elsewhere?~MRWCRS|List of Courses taken through
further your studies elsewhere?~MRWCRS|List of Courses taken through
ADLC<br>Please list high school courses you have taken through the
ADLC<br>Please list high school courses you have taken through the
Alberta Distance Learning Centre.~
Alberta Distance Learning Centre.~</td>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<td width="36%" valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
code and the text description of the various possible statements that might
code and the text description of the various possible statements that might
be requested.
be requested.</td>
<br />
<br />
=== Student Services ===
<br />Student Services
<br />There are several sub services here. The
There are several sub services here. The items are clustered by those services.
items are clustered by those services.
<br />
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<br />STUMENU.REL</td>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<td width=533 valign=top>
<td width=533 valign=top>
<td width=359 valign=top>
<td width=359 valign=top>
<br />These items
<br />These items
Line 870: Line 485:
a letter of confirmation
a letter of confirmation
<br />*PROGCHANGE = Request
<br />*PROGCHANGE = Request
a change in program
a change in program</td>
<br />
<br />
==== What are my Final Exams? ====
are my Final Exams?
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<tr><td width=332 valign=top>
<br />FINAL.REL</td>
<td width=332 valign=top>
<td width=300 valign=top>
<td width=300 valign=top>
<br />2006/071~2006071~2006072~2006/072~
<br />2006/071~2006071~2006072~2006/072~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This is a tilde
<br />This is a tilde
delimited list of final exam schedules that have been released to be seen
delimited list of final exam schedules that have been released to be seen
through web services.
through web services.</td>
<br />
<br />
==== What are my Grades? ====
are my Grades?
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=995>
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=995
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<br />MARK.REL</td>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<br />MARK.REL
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />2000011~2000012~2000013~2001021~2001022~2001023~2002031~2002032~2002033~2003041~2003042~2003043~2003044~2004051~2004052~2004054~2004053~2005061~2005062~2005063~2005064~2006071~2006072~
<br />2000011~2000012~2000013~2001021~2001022~2001023~2002031~2002032~2002033~2003041~2003042~2003043~2003044~2004051~2004052~2004054~2004053~2005061~2005062~2005063~2005064~2006071~2006072~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This is a tilde
<br />This is a tilde
delimited list of the grades that have been released to be viewed through
delimited list of the grades that have been released to be viewed through
these services.
these services.</td>
<br />
<br />
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
==== On-line Registration ====
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<br />REGISTER.REL</td>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />2006/073~2006/074~2007/081~2007/082~
<br />2006/073~2006/074~2007/081~2007/082~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This is the tilde
<br />This is the tilde
delmited list of terms open for registration. This should be set when a term
delmited list of terms open for registration. This should be set when a term
is ready for registration and not removed until after the withdraw deadline
is ready for registration and not removed until after the withdraw deadline
at least.
at least.</td>
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<br />CONFIRM.REL</td>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />2006/073~
<br />2006/073~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This is the tilde
<br />This is the tilde
delimited list of terms for which a student may confirm registration (that
delimited list of terms for which a student may confirm registration (that
is, have the charges made against the accounts receivable account).
is, have the charges made against the accounts receivable account).</td>
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<br />NOAUDIT.REL</td>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />*~
<br />*~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
course codes (using wildcards) for courses that cannot be audited. As written
course codes (using wildcards) for courses that cannot be audited. As written
in the example, no courses may be selected for audit.
in the example, no courses may be selected for audit.</td>
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<br />NODROP.REL</td>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />INST*~ENGL2*~
<br />INST*~ENGL2*~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />These are courses
<br />These are courses
which may not be dropped on the
which may not be dropped on the
web –
web –
usually theses are mandatory courses for all students.
usually theses are mandatory courses for all students.</td>
<br />
<br />
==== On-line Course Evaluation ====
Course Evaluation
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<br />CRSEVCRS.REL</td>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />PSYC492*~
<br />PSYC492*~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This states the
<br />This states the
courses, using wildcards, that are available for evaluation.
courses, using wildcards, that are available for evaluation.</td>
<tr><td width=103 valign=top>
<td width=103 valign=top>
<br />CRSEVYR.REL</td>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<td width=528 valign=top>
<br />2006/072~
<br />2006/072~</td>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<td width=364 valign=top>
<br />This is the list
<br />This is the list
of terms available for evaluation. Normally only one term would be entered
of terms available for evaluation. Normally only one term would be entered
here at a time.
here at a time.</td>
<br />
<br />Faculty Services
=== Faculty Services ===
<br />
==== Class Lists/Grade Submission ====
Lists/Grade Submission
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<br />ACADWARN.REL</td>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />2006/072~
<br />2006/072~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This “releases” a
<br />This “releases” a
term or terms to have instructors issue academic warnings for individual
term or terms to have instructors issue academic warnings for individual
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />WARNCAT.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />  
<br /> </td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines the
<br />This defines the
communication log category for academic warnings.
communication log category for academic warnings.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />GRADESUB.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />  
<br /> </td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This “releases” a
<br />This “releases” a
term or terms to have instructors submit grades.
term or terms to have instructors submit grades.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />MARKSAU.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />AU~
<br />AU~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
grades for audit registrations.
grades for audit registrations.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />MARKSCR.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />A+~A~A-~B+~B~B-~C+~C~C-~D+~D~F~
<br />A+~A~A-~B+~B~B-~C+~C~C-~D+~D~F~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
grades for credit registrations.
grades for credit registrations.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />MARKSMT.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />M~
<br />M~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
grades for midterm courses (ie the first half of full year courses).
grades for midterm courses (ie the first half of full year courses).</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />MARKSNC.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />N~
<br />N~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
grades for non-credit registrations.
grades for non-credit registrations.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />MARKSPA.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />PA~FA~
<br />PA~FA~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
grades for pass/fail courses.
grades for pass/fail courses.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />MTCRS.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />BIOL395~BIOL495~BIOL497~CHEM395~CHEM495~CHEM497~ENGL398~ENGL498~MUSI376~THEO376~
<br />BIOL395~BIOL495~BIOL497~CHEM395~CHEM495~CHEM497~ENGL398~ENGL498~MUSI376~THEO376~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
courses that should be marked as mid-term.
courses that should be marked as mid-term.</td>
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<br />PFCRS.REL</td>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />INST200~INST210~INST300~INST310~INST400~INST410~BIOL395~BIOL495~EDUC305~ENVS490~
<br />INST200~INST210~INST300~INST310~INST400~INST410~BIOL395~BIOL495~EDUC305~ENVS490~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />This defines
<br />This defines
courses that should be marked pass/fail.
courses that should be marked pass/fail.</td>
<br />
<br />
==== New Advisee Contact ====
Advisee Contact
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<tr><td width=115 valign=top>
<br />WEBCONT.REL</td>
<td width=115 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<td width=576 valign=top>
<br />2007/081FA~IA~
<br />2007/081FA~IA~</td>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<td width=304 valign=top>
<br />Defines the term
<br />Defines the term
applied for and the file status codes that determine which advisees appear on
applied for and the file status codes that determine which advisees appear on
the list for faculty to contact.  
the list for faculty to contact. </td>
<br />
== Htmlfile.dbf Contents ==
<br /><b>Htmlfile.dbf Contents</b>
Htmlfile contains a number of html formatted fragments for insertion at various points for on-line services. These
<br />Htmlfile contains a number of html
formatted fragments for insertion at various points for on-line services. These
have no <head> or <body> tags, but are otherwise correct html.
have no <head> or <body> tags, but are otherwise correct html.
<br />
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
<table class=MsoTableGrid border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />HTMLFILE</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />HTMLTEXT</td>
<td valign=top>
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />StdDecl.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />StdDecl.htm
<br />Declaration for Admission Applications</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />Declaration for Admission Applications
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />BEdDecl.htm</td>
<br />BEdDecl.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Declaration for King's BEd applications
<br />Declaration for King's BEd applications</td>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />FinDecl.htm</td>
<br />FinDecl.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Declaration for Financial Aid Application
<br />Declaration for Financial Aid Application</td>
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />RezDecl.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />RezDecl.htm
<br />Declaration for Residence Application</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />Declaration for Residence Application
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />StdRec.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />StdRec.htm
<br />Personal Recommendation</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />Personal Recommendation
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />BEdRec.htm</td>
<br />BEdRec.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Personal Recommendation for BEd
<br />Personal Recommendation for BEd
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />LangReq.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />LangReq.htm
<br />English language proficiency statement</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />English language proficiency statement
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />SupDoc.htm</td>
<br />SupDoc.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />List of supporting documents required for
<br />List of supporting documents required for
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Redirect.htm</td>
<br />Redirect.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Redirection to institutional homepage
<br />Redirection to institutional homepage</td>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />ApplProc.htm</td>
<br />ApplProc.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Application Procedure statement
<br />Application Procedure statement</td>
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />RezApp.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />RezApp.htm
<br />Residence Applicant introductory text</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />Residence Applicant introductory text
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />FinApp.htm</td>
<br />FinApp.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Financial Aid Application Procedure
<br />Financial Aid Application Procedure
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />RezAddr.htm</td>
<br />RezAddr.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Application Address for Residence
<br />Application Address for Residence
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />RegAddr.htm</td>
<br />RegAddr.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Application Address for Admission
<br />Application Address for Admission
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />MarkList.htm</td>
<br />MarkList.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />Text describing offer of notification
<br />Text describing offer of notification
when grades are released (requires that the institution run such an email
when grades are released (requires that the institution run such an email
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />CalUrl.htm</td>
<br />CalUrl.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />HREF for the Academic Calendar on the Web
<br />HREF for the Academic Calendar on the Web</td>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />CalFnUrl.htm</td>
<br />CalFnUrl.htm
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />HREF for Financial Aid information on the
<br />HREF for Financial Aid information on the
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />FacMenu.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />FacMenu.htm
<br />Faculty Menu static text and links</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />Faculty Menu static text and links
<tr><td valign=top>
<br />RezChoic.htm</td>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<br />RezChoic.htm
<br />Residence choice listing</td>
<td valign=top>
<br />Residence choice listing
<br />
== RegnoteX.html ==
<br /><b>RegnoteX.html</b>
These are htmlized versions of the RegnoteX.rtf files that are used by windows CrossRoad. They are appended to
<br />These are htmlized versions of the
course/fee sheets produced by on-line registration. Conversion utilities can be recommended by Keeler Services.
RegnoteX.rtf files that are used by windows CrossRoad. They are appended to
course/fee sheets produced by on-line registration. Conversion utilities can be
recommended by Keeler Services.
<br />

Revision as of 23:51, 7 September 2009

Setting up CGI Services for CrossRoad

This is a brief overview of the setup for CGI services for CrossRoad, including Services for Students, Services for Faculty, and Electronic Applications.

General process

  1. Setup underlying OS. This can be Windows 2000, or 2003.
  2. Install Apache.
  3. Apache runs under a particular Win2K user. Ensure that this user can:
    1. Connect to the network which has the Advantage Database Server on it
    2. Can see the folders which hold the data for CrossRoad
    3. Has appropriate rights to the cgi-bin folder under Apache.
  4. Install a certificate and change apache’s settings to enable SSL. All of CrossRoad’s CGI processes expect https: calls.
  5. Use the CGISetup.exe to install the various CGI programs, images and javascript files.
  6. In the cgi-bin folder add a text file called webini.txt. The contents of that should be a UNC path to the folder that holds the current CrossRoad databases.
  7. In the current data folder ensure that three data tables and associated support files exist: webini.dbf, relfile.dbf (relfile.ntx), and htmlfile.dbf (htmlfile.dbt, htmlfile.ntx).
  8. Correctly populate webini.dbf. It uses only record numbers to refer to data, and these are outlined below. Note that this is probably best edited with the DBU utility.
  9. Correctly populate relfile.dbf. Relfile grants access to many different aspects of these services. These are outlined below. This can be edited with the EAS program that is installed with CrossRoad.
  10. Correctly populate htmlfile.dbf. This provides quite a bit of html text that is used by these services. The kind’s of contents are outlined below. This can be edited with the EAS program that is installed with CrossRoad.
  11. Ensure that subsidiary databases that support the on-line application system are available and up to date. Most of these are directly maintained in CrossRoad but some are outside. There are WEBDATES.DBF CCINVAL.DBF MINORS.DBF WEBAID.DBF. These are described below.

Webini.dbf Contents

The sample below indicates the contents as used by King’s. Note that EAS refers to the on-line application system.

\\kingsnet\reg\apps\sis\dbf.mm\ Current Database location
\\kingsnet\reg\apps\sis\arc.mm\ ArchiveDatabase location
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/login.exe Student login URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/kinglogo.gif Institution Logo URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/weblkup.exe? Student Advising Available Courses URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/webadvis.exe Faculty Advising URL
C- Threshold Mark for inclusion in major for transfer credit
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/webadvis.exe Faculty Advising URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/weblkup.exe? Faculty Advising Available Courses URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/mainmenu.exe Student Mainmenu

<a href=mailto:registrar@kingsu.ca>The Registry @ 465-8330</a>
Trouble mailto setting
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/classlst.exe Faculty Classlist URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_a.exe EAS Admissions URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_r.exe EAS Rez URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_f.exe EAS Financial Aid URL
http://luke.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_s EAS Submissions URL
http://luke.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/easkuc_m EAS Menu URL
http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/cgi-bin/eas_main.pl EAS Main Callback URL
Glenn.Keeler@kingsu.ca,Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca EAS Applications Email Addresses
Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca,Glenn.Keeler@kingsu.ca EAS Rez Applications Email Addresses
glenn.keeler@kingsu.ca,Registry.EAS@kingsu.ca EAS FinAid Applications Email Addresses
http://luke.kingsu.ca/eas/easkucerr.html EAS Error Url
1~2~ Web Advising "<st1:place w:st="on">Normal</st1:place>" Terms
300 Web Advising Senior Course Threshold
3.5 Web Advising With Distinction GPA
http://luke.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/CGImail Email handler for address changes
mailgate1.kingsu.ca Email server for CrossRoad on the Road
admissions@kingsu.ca Enrollment Services Email for CrossRoad on the Road
registrar@kingsu.ca Email address for address changes
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebReg.exe URL for Web Registration
registrar@kingsu.ca Web Registration Email Address
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebAdvis.exe Student Advising URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/ChgFPW.exe Web Password Change URL
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/FacMenu.exe Faculty Menu
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebReview.exe Faculty On-line Registration Review and Approval
registrar@kingsu.ca From Address for most communication
registrar@kingsu.ca Academic Warning Address
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/CourseEval.exe Course Evaluation URL
\\kingsnet\app\apps\evalsys\ Course Evaluation File Path
https://registry.kingsu.ca/cgi-bin/WebContact.exe New Advisee Contact URL

Relfile.dbf Contents

Here are the contents of this file. Entries appear in the file in the order of the RELFILE field, but below are grouped by applications that are affected.

Application Related

Admission Application



This field specifies the application fee based on year applied for. The structure is that the first set is the standard fee (years are distinguished by semi-colons) the second is the late application fee, and the third is the

international application fee.


NM|Name~AD|Address~EM|Emergency Contact~BG|Biographical~HS|High School~L30|Grade 12 Courses~PS|Previous Post-Secondary~KUC-1|Program Information~KUC-4|Further


This determine which tabs from the application process are available. The coded name appears

before the pipe character with the display name after that.



These are the

deadeline dates for each year and term.


Fall Term 15 August~ Winter Term 12 January~BEd Applications 2007/08 will release

decisions on approximately 31 March 2007 and 15 May 2007.~

This is a text statement of the application dates for fall,winter and a special statement.

This would need to be customized for users other than King’s.



This is a

definition of the available application year and terms.


This allows the insertion of a special note about applications, such as the extension of a



MASTERCARD|MasterCard~VISA|Visa~CHEQUE|Cheque to be mailed~FUNDSTRANSFER|Funds Transfer~INPERSON|Will pay in person at


These are the definitions of acceptable payment types, with the code followed by a pipe

character followed by the text displayed.


TOEP|TOEFL (paper-based version)~TOEC|TOEFL (computer-based version)~TOEI|TOEFL iBT (internet based)~MELA|MELAB~IELT|IELTS~ASPE|ASPECT~ELTC|The English Language Training College Program with a score of 9~EN30|Alberta English 30~IBHL|International Baccalaureate Higher Level English~APEN|Advanced Placement English~HERE|I have three years of formal full-time study in Canada or at an approved institution outside Canada as outlined above~TKUC|I have already taken TKUC's ENGL204 or 205~KEST|I am requesting the King's English

Language Studies Assessment Test~

This defines the

acceptable English proficiency demonstrations.


BILLBOARD|Billboard Ad~FACSTAFF|Faculty or Staff Member~FAMILY|Family~FRIEND|Friend~NEWS|News coverage~ALUM|Previous King's Student~PRINT|Print Ad~RADIO|Radio or TV

Ad~SCHOOL|School Contact~INTERNET|Internet~

This defines the

accepted categories for the responses to the “I first heard about” question.


This allows the

definition of “Special” programs. Currently unused.


This defines valid

terms for the special program.



This defines the

possible student status types for the application.



Aid*~EMPAPP|Campus Employment*~MUSAPP|Music~APPATH|Athletics~

This defines

additional applications that can be requested.




This defines

programs that has a required minor.

Residence Application


ISA|International Student's Association~MSA|Mature Student Association~AAA|Action and Awareness Club~TKK|The King's Keepers/The Environmental Club~KEA|The King's Education Association~KGH|The King's Hands~KPH|The King's Players/Drama Club~KHC|TKUC Hockey Club~KMS|TKUC Men's Soccer Club~KWS|TKUC Women's Soccer Club~PHC|The Philosophy Club~PSC|The Political Studies Club~PYC|The Psychology Club~PSP|The Peer Support Program~SCC|The King's Science Society~SSC|The Snowboarding/Ski Club~IFC|The International Films Club~LDC|Liturgical

Dance Club~

This defines the

various student clubs that might be selected on the residence application.


BASIC|Basic ($2600 deposit per year)~OPT1|Limited ($2200 deposit per

year)~APT1|Apartment, no meal plan required~

This defines the

available mealplans.


2F|Tower Full Year Double occupancy : ($2200 for the full year)~1F|Tower Full Year Single occupancy : ($4000 for the full year)~6F|Apartment Full Year occupancy : ($2400 for the full


This defines the

available occupancies.


15 August

This defines the text

for the application deadline.



This defines the

required deposit by year of application.


T|Team sports (volleyball, basketball, soccer, etc)~E|Extreme sports (mountain biking, snowboarding, skiing, etc)~M|Music~C|Computers~R|Reading and

Writing~O|Outdoor activities (hiking, camping, etc)~

This defines the

different interests that might be selected on the residence application.



metal~L|Classical~J|Jazz~O|Pop~X|I am tolerant of all types of music~

This defines the


Financial Aid



This defines the

period during which applications for financial aid will be accepted.


XTNCMT|Statement of Christian Commitment
Speak of your commitment to Christianity or your faith. What does your faith mean to you?~INVOLV|Statement of Involvement in University Activities
Tell the effect you have had on the King's student community in past years of study. What activities have you been involved in?~MUSICACH|Statement of Musical Achievement
Speak of your musical achievements, including all awards, recognition, honours and activities.~DISABILITY|Statement of Disability
In order to award the Mephiboschet Scholarship, the awarding committee must be aware of your condition and its limitations on your studies.~STEWARD|Statement of Commitment to Stewardship of God's Creation
Tell of your commitment to the environment and its stewardship. Have you beeninvolved in environmental programs in your community? Have you implemented any programs to increase/impact stewardship?~CAREERINT|Statement of Career Intent and/or Activities Post-Graduation
Explain your plans after graduation. What will you be doing with the degree you will receive from The King's <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">University</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">College</st1:PlaceType></st1:place>?~GRADINT|Statement of Graduation Intentions
What are your goals for your studies? Do you intend to graduate from The King's <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">University</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">College</st1:PlaceType></st1:place>? Will you further your studies elsewhere?~MRWCRS|List of Courses taken through ADLC
Please list high school courses you have taken through the

Alberta Distance Learning Centre.~

This defines the code and the text description of the various possible statements that might

be requested.

Student Services

There are several sub services here. The items are clustered by those services.



These items define the various possible student menu entries. At the time of the writing of this document the options are (*d items are in development):
REGISTER = What Am I Registered In? and On-line Registration
FINALEXAM = What is My Final Exam Schedule?
MARKS = What are My Marks?
ADVISOR = Program Advisor Report
ACCOUNTS = What is the status of my Account?
CHANGEADDRESS = Change Address Information
COURSEEVAL = On-line Course Evaluation
*TRANREQ = Request your Academic Transcript
*LETTERREQ = Request a letter of confirmation

a change in program

What are my Final Exams?



This is a tilde delimited list of final exam schedules that have been released to be seen

through web services.

What are my Grades?



This is a tilde delimited list of the grades that have been released to be viewed through

these services.

On-line Registration



This is the tilde delmited list of terms open for registration. This should be set when a term is ready for registration and not removed until after the withdraw deadline

at least.



This is the tilde delimited list of terms for which a student may confirm registration (that

is, have the charges made against the accounts receivable account).



This defines course codes (using wildcards) for courses that cannot be audited. As written

in the example, no courses may be selected for audit.



These are courses which may not be dropped on the web –

usually theses are mandatory courses for all students.

On-line Course Evaluation



This states the

courses, using wildcards, that are available for evaluation.



This is the list of terms available for evaluation. Normally only one term would be entered

here at a time.

Faculty Services

Class Lists/Grade Submission



This “releases” a term or terms to have instructors issue academic warnings for individual



This defines the

communication log category for academic warnings.


This “releases” a

term or terms to have instructors submit grades.



This defines

grades for audit registrations.



This defines

grades for credit registrations.



This defines

grades for midterm courses (ie the first half of full year courses).



This defines

grades for non-credit registrations.



This defines

grades for pass/fail courses.



This defines

courses that should be marked as mid-term.



This defines

courses that should be marked pass/fail.

New Advisee Contact



Defines the term applied for and the file status codes that determine which advisees appear on

the list for faculty to contact.

Htmlfile.dbf Contents

Htmlfile contains a number of html formatted fragments for insertion at various points for on-line services. These have no <head> or <body> tags, but are otherwise correct html.




Declaration for Admission Applications


Declaration for King's BEd applications


Declaration for Financial Aid Application


Declaration for Residence Application


Personal Recommendation


Personal Recommendation for BEd



English language proficiency statement


List of supporting documents required for



Redirection to institutional homepage


Application Procedure statement


Residence Applicant introductory text


Financial Aid Application Procedure



Application Address for Residence



Application Address for Admission



Text describing offer of notification when grades are released (requires that the institution run such an email



HREF for the Academic Calendar on the Web


HREF for Financial Aid information on the



Faculty Menu static text and links


Residence choice listing


These are htmlized versions of the RegnoteX.rtf files that are used by windows CrossRoad. They are appended to course/fee sheets produced by on-line registration. Conversion utilities can be recommended by Keeler Services.