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   <td>Higher Secondary Certificate</td>
   <td>Higher Secondary Certificate</td>
Line 28: Line 29:
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
Line 44: Line 47:
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and GCSE/&quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and GCSE/&quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
Line 67: Line 74:
   <td>Hong Kong Special Administrative Region</td>
   <td>Hong Kong Special Administrative Region</td>
   <td>HKCEE and HKALE or GCE &quot;A&quot; and GCSE/&quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>5 HKCEE or HKALE subjects, at least two HKALE. Minimum average of C. <br>http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/IR/ca/KingsUniversityCollege.pdf<br>
HKDSE Level 4 in 5 subjects<br>http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/IR/ca/HKDSE/P-CAN-024_The_Kings_University_College.pdf</td>
Line 111: Line 121:
   <td>Baccalauriat (or Dipltme de Bachelier) de l'Enseignement du second degri (Secondary School Certificate) or Baccalauriat Giniral</td>
   <td>Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du second degree Baccalaureat General</td>
   <td>Abitur or equivalent</td>
   <td>Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur or equivalent</td>
   <td>WASC and HSC or GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels or SSCE</td>
   <td>WASC and HSC or GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels or SSCE</td>
Line 132: Line 144:
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
Line 144: Line 158:
   <td>All India Senior Secondary School Certificate (Year 12)</td>
   <td>All India Senior Secondary School Certificate (Year 12)</td>
Line 180: Line 195:
   <td>KCSE or GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>KCSE or GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
<td>King's can retrieve KNEC results if the student provides King's with their Index Number (2010 or later)</td>
<td>King's can retrieve KNEC results if the student provides King's with their Index Number (2010 or later)<br>
Line 240: Line 256:
   <td>WAEC WASC and HSC or GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels or SSSC<br>
   <td>WAEC WASC and HSC or GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels or SSSC<br>
Line 368: Line 384:
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
Line 376: Line 394:
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
   <td>GCE &quot;A&quot; and &quot;O&quot; levels</td>
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Latest revision as of 20:44, 16 March 2015

Country General Requirement. We also need HS Transcript where only a completion statement is noted. What King's wants and Transcript Source
Argentina Bachillerato
Australia Secondary School Certificate (Year 12)
Austria Maturity Examination Certificate
Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate http://www.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd/
Belgium Certificate of Higher Secondary Education
Belize GCE "A" and "O" levels http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates
Bolivia Bachiller en Humanidades
Bosnia and Herzegovina Secondary School Leaving Diploma
Brazil Certificado de Conclusao de Segundo Grau
Britain GCE "A" and GCSE/"O" levels http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates
Brunei GCE "A" and "O" levels http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates
Bulgaria Diploma Za Zavarsheno Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)
Caribbean Countries GCE "A" and "O" levels, Caribbean Examinations or Council Secondary Education Certificate
Chile Licencia de Educacion
PR China Senior Middle School Diploma
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 5 HKCEE or HKALE subjects, at least two HKALE. Minimum average of C.
HKDSE Level 4 in 5 subjects
Colombia Bachiller
Costa Rica Bachillerato
Croatia Secondary School Leaving Diploma
Czech Republic Maturitni Vysvedceni (Maturity Certificate)
Denmark Studentereksamen (Student Examination)
Ecuador Bachillerato
Egypt General Secondary Education Certificate
El Salvador Bachiller
Ethiopia Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate
Finland Matriculation Examination Certificate
France Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement du second degree Baccalaureat General
Germany Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur or equivalent
Ghana WASC and HSC or GCE "A" and "O" levels or SSCE http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates
Greece Apolytirio (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Guatemala Bachiller
Guyana GCE "A" and "O" levels http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates
Honduras Bachillerato
Hungary Gimnaziumi Irettsigi Bizonyitvany (Secondary School Maturity Certificate)
India All India Senior Secondary School Certificate (Year 12) http://www.cisce.org/data/Download/DUPLICATEDOCUMENTAPPLICATIONFORM.pdf
Indonesia Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMTA)
Iran Diplome (Year 12) and pre-university Certificate
Iraq Sixth Form Baccalaureat
Ireland Leaving Certificate
Israel Teudat Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate)
Italy Maturit`
Japan Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Jordan Tawjihiya (General Secondary Education Certificate)
Kenya KCSE or GCE "A" and "O" levels King's can retrieve KNEC results if the student provides King's with their Index Number (2010 or later)


Korea High School Leaving Academic Certificate
Kuwait Shahadat al-thanawia (Secondary School Certificate)
Lebanon Baccalauriat Part II or Baccalauriat (academic stream)
Libya General Secondary School Certificate
Macedonia Secondary School Leaving Certificate
Malaysia SPM and STPM/MICSS Unified Examination Certificate
Mauritius GCE "A" and "O" levels
Mexico Bachillerato
Morocco Baccalauriat
Nepal Proficiency Certificate
Netherlands VWO diploma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
New Zealand Higher School Certificate, University Entrance Bursaries and Scholarship Examinations
Nicaragua Bachiller
Nigeria WAEC WASC and HSC or GCE "A" and "O" levels or SSSC




Norway Vitnemal (Secondary School Certificate)
Oman General Secondary Certificate
Pakistan Higher Secondary School Certificate http://www.biserwp.edu.pk - Links to various boards
Panama Bachillerato
Peru Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa or Bachiller
Philippines Completion of the second year of university
Poland Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci (Maturity Certificate)
Romania Diploma de Baccalauriat (Baccalaureate Diploma)
Russia Attestat o Polnom Obshchem Srednem Obrasovanii (Certificate of Secondary Complete General Education)
Saudi Arabia General Secondary Education Certificate
Scotland Scottish Certificate of Education, Standard Grade (SCE) and Higher Grade (SCE-H)
Singapore GCE "A" and "O" levels
Slovenia Secondary School Leaving Certificate
South Africa Matriculation Certificate or Senior Certificate
Spain Curso de Orientacisn Universitaria (University Orientation Course)
Sweden Avgangsbetyg (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
Switzerland Maturitat (Maturity Certificate)
Syria Baccalauriate
Taiwan Senior High School Leaving Certificate
Tanzania ACSE and CSE or National Form IV and Form VI Examinations
Thailand Mathayom Suska 6 (Higher Secondary School Certificate)
Turkey Lise Diplomasi (Secondary School Diploma)
Uganda Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education and Uganda Certificate of Education
Ukraine Atestat (Matriculation School Certificate)
United Arab Emirates Shahadat al-thanawia (Secondary School Certificate)
United States US High School, SAT ACT if available
Uruguay Bachillarato
Venezuela Bachiller
Vietnam Baccalaureat II
Wales GCE "A" and "O" levels http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates
Yugoslavia Secondary School Leaving Diploma
Zimbabwe GCE "A" and "O" levels http://www.cie.org.uk/profiles/students/certificates

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