COURSE TITLE: Classroom Management and Evaluation
NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: Pierre Rousseau and Francoise Ruban
CREDIT WEIGHT AND WEEKLY TIME DISTRIBUTION: credits 3 (hrs lect 3 - hrs sem 0 - hrs lab 0)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Theories of classroom management and evaluation practices in the elementary school are explored. There is an emphasis on practical applications of those theories which are congruent with a Christian view of the child, authority, learning and responsibility.

This course is only open to students in the B.Ed. (AD) program.

Prerequisites: EDUC 351
  • Greene, Ross. 2014. Lost at School: Why Our Kids With Behavioural Challenges Are Falling Through the Cracks and How We Can Help Them. New York. NY: Scribner.
  • Jones, Vern and Jones, Louise. 2016. Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems. (10th Ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Research/Reflection Paper I30%
Research/Reflection Paper II30%
Role Play Presentation30%
COURSE OBJECTIVES: General Objectives
  • Identify different schools of thought in the area of discipline and classroom management.
  • Understand how an individual view of the human person may impact your classroom management strategies.
  • Understand how management plans are community based, requiring the active participation of the student, parents, teachers, and the school community.
  • Demonstrate through role plays, case studies, and class discussion an increased level of confidence in classroom management.
  • Understand the importance of communication with parents in the classroom management process.
  • Learn communication tools and strategies needed to facilitate a classroom learning community.
Course Objectives

Through this course prospective teachers will acquire:
  • An understanding that the paramount purpose of classroom management is to create and sustain a learning environment that provides all students with the best possible opportunity to learn.
  • Recognition that the learning environment must support every student’s intellectual, social, spiritual and personal development and encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, self-motivation and self-discipline.
  • An appreciation that the classroom management is a broad and multifaceted feature of teaching and thus not reducible to the narrow concern of student discipline.
  • An understanding that there are different approaches to teaching and classroom management that are underpinned by differing philosophies, values and beliefs with respect to purposes, goals and student outcomes.
  • A repertoire of principles, skills and practical strategies for devising an effective approach to classroom management, with the proviso that there are no cookbook recipes.
  • An understanding that, because the classroom is a social environment, management skills and techniques are embedded in particular ecological, social, cultural and organizational contexts.
  • An appreciation that management and instruction are reciprocal functions of teaching: effective teaching hinges on effective management and vice versa.
  • An understanding that effective management requires teachers engage in ongoing decision-making and problem-solving based on informed analysis and critical self- reflection concerning:
    • Diversity among students (e.g., their cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development, sociocultural backgrounds, sexual and religious orientation)
    • The social, cultural, and organizational context of their school community and classroom
    • Their personal beliefs about how children learn and their learning capabilities; and 
    • The effects of their choices and decisions on students, especially with respect to student opportunity to learn and learning outcomes and on school colleagues as well as parents and members of the wider community
COURSE OUTLINE: September 12, 2016 – Introduction and Course Overview

Part One: Introduction to course (FTR & PR)

Classroom Management in Perspective, Comprehensive Classroom Management, (CCM), Chpt. 1, pp 7 – 28 (FTR)  

Part Two: Lecture: How can we define common values in a liberal democratic society: Public vs Private Morality? (PR) 

September 19, 2016 - Relationship, Classroom Management and Curriculum Expectations 

Part One: The work of Ross Greene (FTR) 

Readings: Lost at School (pp Introduction ix – xii and Case Studies: School of Hard Knocks, pp 1 - 9, Kids Do Well if They Can, pp 10 - 53) 

Part Two: Creating Positive Relationships: Supporting Positive Behaviour in Alberta Schools: A Classroom Approach link: 

Readings: (CCM), Establishing Positive Teacher Student Relationships (Chpt. 3 pp 52 – 87)

Readings: Supporting Positive Behaviour in Alberta Schools (2008) A Classroom Approach on Moodle

September 26, 2016 - Relationship, Classroom Management and Curriculum Expectations

Part One: The work of Ross Greene (FTR) Lost at School, 

Readings: Lessons Plans: Plan A, Plan B, Plan C (pp 54 – 77) Lost at School, Let’s Get It Started (pp 78 – 119) 

Part Two: 

Readings: CCM, Creating Positive Peer Relationships, (Chpt. 4 pp 92 -127)

Readings: Lost at School: Bumps in the Road (pp 120 – 145)

October 3, 2016 – Theories in Moral Development and Classroom Management

Part One: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development (PR)

Part Two: Practical Application of Kohlberg’s work

Readings: Kohlberg on Moodle 

October 10, 2016 Thanksgiving: No classes

October 17, 2016 – Theories in Moral Development and Classroom Management:

Part One: Theories in Moral Development and Classroom Management: Nel Noddings and the Ethic of Caring (PR)

Part Two: Practical Application of Nodding’s work

Readings: The Ethic of Caring on Moodle 

Assignment One Reflection Paper due

October 24, 2016 – Religion and Moral Development:

The Judeo Christian Foundations and Classroom Management Part One: The Judeo Christian Foundations and Classroom Management (PR)

Part Two: Practical Application: Creating Frames of Reference 

Readings: Michael Dykstra and Anthony Kerby on Moodle

October 31, 2016 – Authenticity and Classroom Management

Part One: Authenticity and Classroom Management: The work of William Hague (PR)

Palmer, Parker. The Courage to Teach. Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life. Jossey-Bass ed., San Francisco, 1998. (pp. 1-33) 

Part Two: Practical application

Readings: William Hague & Parker Palmer on Moodle 

November 7, 2016 – Character Education in our Schools (PR) 

Part One:  Alberta Education: The Heart of the Matter: Character and Citizenship Education in Alberta Schools 

Part Two: Character Education Program Implementation in Schools 

Part Three: Junior High Student Panel: What Makes A Good Teacher?

Assignment Two Reflection Paper due

November 14, 2016: Classroom Management, Professionalism and Technology (FTR)

Part One: Classroom Management: Professionalism and the Use of Technology, Guest speaker Robert Mazzotta, Executive Staff Officer, Member Services, The Alberta Teachers’ Association 

Readings: ATA magazine: You Did What? When Teachers Get in Trouble (distributed in class)

Readings: Article: Growing Up Digital (GUD) Alberta – Survey 2015 – Research Overview: “Growing Tired, Anxious, Distracted” on Moodle

ATA E Liability brochure (distributed in class)

Part Two: Preventing and Addressing Bullying and Cyberbullying

Readings: Canadian Mental Health Association. ATA. Global. 2015. Creating a Compassionate Classroom (distributed in class)

November 21, 2016: Addressing Diversity in the Classroom (FTR)

Part One: Alberta Teachers’ Association. 2010. Here Comes Everyone: Teaching in the Intercultural Classroom (distributed in class) 

Building and Maintaining Educational Practices, Approaches and Strategies that Honour and Reflect Intercultural Perspectives and Build Inclusive Classrooms. 

Part Two: Role Play Presentations 

November 28, 2016: 

Part One: Indigenous Approaches in Classroom Management (FTR)

Readings: Martin Broken Leg, Steve Van Brockern & Larry Bendtro: Environments Where Children Thrive: The Circle of Courage Model (2014) on Moodle

Readings: Beyond Shadows: First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Success CTF (2013) (distributed in class) 

Readings: BrokenLeg, Van Brockern, Bendtro: Raising Respectful Kids, on Moodle

Part Two: Role Play Presentations

December 5, 2016: 

Part One: Role Play Presentations - FTR & PR  

Part Two: Personal and Professional Wellness: How Can Teachers Learn to Take Greater Responsibility for Their Personal and Professional Wellness to Ensure They Have the Capacity to Assist Students?

Readings: Duxbury, Linda, 2011/12 National Study on Balancing Work, Life and Caregiving in Canada: The Situation for Alberta Teachers on Moodle 

Readings: Alberta Teachers’ Association. Teaching in the Early Years of Practice: A Five Year Longitudinal Study. 2013 (distributed in class)

Readings: Article: Joanna Krup: Caring Without Tiring, on Moodle  

Part Three: Course Conclusion  

Required texts, assignments, and grade distributions may vary from one offering of this course to the next. Please consult the course instructor for up to date details.

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