TERM:2021-22 Winter
COURSE TITLE: Introductory College Chemistry II
NAME OF INSTRUCTOR: Course Instructor: Dr. Cassidy VanderSchee
Laboratory Instructor: Ms. Cindy Slupsky
CREDIT WEIGHT AND WEEKLY TIME DISTRIBUTION: credits 3(hrs lect 3 - hrs sem 0 - hrs lab 3)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course teaches students to see the connection between chemistry concepts and the way humanity uses chemistry to change the world. The course begins with a discussion of the models that chemists use to describe bonding. This is followed by a study of thermodynamic equilibria, including solubility, and acid and base chemistry. The importance of redox chemistry and thermodynamic energy are explored followed by a discussion of reaction kinetics.

Prerequisites: CHEM 200
  • Mahaffy, P., Bucat, B., Tasker, R. et al. Chemistry: Human Activity, Chemical Reactivity,
    2nd edition, 2014. Note - access to the interactive e-book is also necessary, as we will use it frequently.
    You will need to have the 2nd edition, as we will be making use of the OWL electronic
    resources for some problem assignments
  • The King's University: Chemistry 201 Laboratory Experiments, 2020 Edition – available
    on the Moodle site.
  • Access to Moodle –
  • Laboratory safety glasses
  • Calculator with log and natural log functions. Note - you may not use graphing calculators with extensive
    memory capability in examination
Laboratory 25%
1st Mid-term Exam 15%
2nd Mid-term Exam 15%
Final Exam 30%
Participation and 3-2-1 Check-Ins5%
COURSE OBJECTIVES:This course, though a combination of lecture and laboratory experiments, is designed to enhance your knowledge of general chemistry by focusing on content knowledge, the ways in which we know things (the role of experimentation, data analysis, development of models), and the importance of chemical knowledge and literacy when addressing local and global concerns. By the end of this course, you will have skills in the following areas:
  • Depth and Breadth of Knowledge
    • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the following key concepts, methodologies, theoretical approaches, and assumptions in the discipline of chemistry:
    • Models that describe the electronic and geometric structure of atoms and molecules
    • Use of equilibrium to describe different classes of chemical reactions
    • Basic understanding of energy and its relation to different chemical reactions
    • Ways of describing rates of reactions and ways of controlling them
    • Express scientific ideas mathematically and use math to make predictions about chemical phenomena
  • Knowledge of Methodologies
    • Interpret and carry out experiments that measure the physical properties of substances and their macroscopic changes
    • Use imagination to develop and understand conceptual models to make sense of experimental measurements of the physical properties of substances and their macroscopic changes.
    • Conceptualize and operate at, and move between the macroscopic (observational), microscopic (models of the molecular "world"), and symbolic (the "language" of chemistry) level of understanding of chemistry
  • Application of knowledge
    • Apply your understanding of the theories, models, concepts, and tools of chemistry to explain and predict structures and reactions involving molecules and molecular systems
    • Understand how knowledge of chemistry can be applied to challenges in areas such as sustainability, the use and production of energy, and biochemical processes.
    • Interpret experimental data collected in a laboratory and develop lines of arguments and independent conclusions that are supported by experimental data
    • Reflect on and design experiments that address scientific questions, identify sources of error and uncertainty, and propose improvements to experimental methodologies
  • Communication skills
    • Clearly communicate on written assignments your steps and logic in solving problems using correct significant figures, units, and chemical drawings as required.
    • Orally communicate insights, questions and arguments in small groups and with the whole class.
    • Prepare proper scientific figures, drawings, graphs, and tables that clearly represent scientific data or ideas
  • Awareness of the Limits of knowledge
    • Identify when different models are useful in chemistry and when the model becomes problematic for the interpretation of data
    • Gain an appreciation for the ethical questions chemistry poses, the power of chemistry to do both good and harm to society and the natural world
    • Understand where the language and tools of chemistry are useful and where other disciplines connect with chemistry. Appreciate how the other disciplines work with chemistry to provide a more thorough picture of our world
    • Be aware of how human bias, prejudice, and failures can affect chemistry
  • Maturity and professional capacity
    • Work effectively with others in various situations, including the laboratory setting, classroom, and out of class work
    • Act with integrity at all times, showing respect grace and forgiveness to everyone in your learning communities.
    • Operate in the chemistry laboratory with due consideration to safety for yourself and others
    • Employ chemical intuition, knowledge, and problem solving skills to make contributions to solving chemical problems encountered in new situations
    • Take responsibility for your own learning and develop tools and skills that will lead to your success and the success of all those in the class.
  • Chapter 8 & 10: Modelling electron distributions, theories of bonding & applications of MO theory
  • Chapter 11: States of matter
  • Chapter 12: Solutions and their behaviour
  • Chapter 13: Dynamic chemical equilibria 
  • Chapter 14: Acid-Base equilibria
  • Chapter 15: Precipitation and complexation
  • Chapter 16: Oxidation-reduction equilibria 
  • Chapter 17: Spontaneous change: Entropy 
  • Chapter 18: Chemical Kinetics  
  • New Student Check-In and Safety Quiz
  • Introduction to Team Projects and Literature Search
  • Team Projects – Week 1
  • Team Projects – Week 2
  • Team Projects – Week 3
  • Chemical Equilibria - What goes around comes around
  • Titration Curves and Buffers
  • Electrochemistry
  • Thermodynamics of Urea Dissolution
  • Kinetics

Required texts, assignments, and grade distributions may vary from one offering of this course to the next. Please consult the course instructor for up to date details.

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Maintained By Glenn J Keeler