TERM:2021-22 Fall
COURSE TITLE: Introductory College Chemistry I
Ms. Cindy Slupsky (Lab Instructor)
CREDIT WEIGHT AND WEEKLY TIME DISTRIBUTION: credits 3(hrs lect 3 - hrs sem 0 - hrs lab 3)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a general introduction to the nature and vocabulary of chemistry, followed by a survey of current chemical models of bonding, structure and reactivity. The course introduces chemistry in contexts that are important to you as a student, and to our planet. Topics include chemical stoichiometry, the gaseous, liquid and solid states, atomic and molecular structure, molecular stability and reactivity, and the electronic structure of atoms.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 30 or Science 30 (Students who intend to use Science 30 as a prerequisite must consult with and have the consent of the instructor.)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: A. Depth and Breadth of Knowledge
  • Demonstrate a general knowledge of the following key concepts, methodologies, theoretical approaches, and assumptions in the discipline of chemistry:
    • Elements and their atoms, and compounds, as fundamental building blocks of materials
    • Models of structure to explain the properties of atoms and their electrons, and substances
    • Carbon compounds as fundamentally important to the chemistry of life and the sustainability of our planet
    • Different ways of accounting for atoms in chemical reactions and chemical equations, including new ways of keeping track of atoms important to sustainability
    • Energy flows in chemical reactions as being fundamentally important to understanding the driving force for chemical reactions and the applications of chemistry to modern life
    • The nature of evidence for molecular structures, shapes, and stereochemistry
    • Models to explain bonding in molecules 
  • Appreciate chemistry as a human activity, that studies chemicals, their structures, and reactivities – and is based on people observing, experimenting, measuring, thinking, imagining, making sense, modeling, designing, making, communicating, and solving problems.  
  • Develop a respect and appreciation for the intricate beauty and complexity of the molecular world
B. Knowledge of Methodologies
  • Interpret and carry out experiments that measure the physical properties of substances and their macroscopic changes, and that quantify the amounts of substances
  • Use imagination to develop and understand conceptual models to make sense of experimental measurements of the physical properties of substances and their macroscopic changes.
  • Conceptualize, operate at, and move between the macroscopic (observational), microscopic (models of the molecular “world”), and symbolic (the “language” of chemistry) levels of understanding of chemistry
  •  Express scientific ideas mathematically and use mathematics to model scientific knowledge, quantify experimental observations, and solve problems
C. Application of Knowledge
  • Apply your understanding of the theories, models, concepts, and tools of chemistry to explain and predict structures and reactions involving molecules and molecular systems
  • Understand how knowledge of chemistry can be applied to challenges in areas such as sustainability of our planetary boundaries, health care, energy, and materials
  • Interpret experimental data collected in a laboratory and develop lines of arguments and independent conclusions that are supported by experimental data
  • Reflect on and design experiments that address scientific questions, identify sources of error and uncertainty, and propose improvements to experimental methodologies
D. Communication Skills
  • Clearly communicate on written assignments your steps and logic in solving problems, using correct significant figures, units, and chemical drawings as required
  • Orally communicate thoughts, insights, questions, and arguments individually, in small group settings and in full class discussions
  • Prepare tables, figures, and graphs – and their accompanying legends and captions – that clearly and concisely communicate scientific results
E.  Awareness of the Limits of Knowledge
  • Identify the limitations of the models that chemists use to explain data, and communicate theories and ideas 
  • Gain awareness of the ethical questions associated with chemistry, and the professional responsibilities of scientists to ensure that the products of chemistry do not have unintended negative consequences for human health and the environment
  • See chemistry as an integrated discipline of knowledge and practice that is deeply connected to other areas of human knowledge in the arts and social sciences
F.  Maturity and Professional Capacity
  • Work effectively with others in various situations, including a laboratory setting, classroom setting, or on a team research project
  • Act with integrity and honesty as you perform scientific experiments, record and report their results, and interact with peers and instructors
  • Operate in a chemistry laboratory with due consideration to safety of yourself and others
  • Employ chemical intuition, knowledge, and problem solving skills to make contributions to solving chemical problems encountered in new situations
  • Mahaffy, P., Bucat, B., Tasker, R. et al. Chemistry: Human Activity, Chemical Reactivity, 2nd  Edition, 2014,
    plus OWL v2.0 (Both are mandatory, Essential to Pass the Course.) You must have the 2nd edition, and
    access to the OWL electronic resources, which we will use for pre-tests and many problem assignments,
    purchased from the King’s bookstore. If you already have a used copy of the book, or if you prefer to work
    only electronically, you should purchase the e-book plus OWL package from the King’s campus e-book store,
    at a substantial discount from the Cengage publisher, using the link below. 
  • Slupsky, C.; and Mahaffy, P. The King's University: Chemistry 2021/2022 Laboratory Experiments, The
    King’s University; Edmonton, AB. (Mandatory, Essential to Pass the Course.)
  • Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics software: Odyssey Molecular dynamics and Spartan Molecular
    Modeling software. Site licenses are available on all campus computers. Due to restrictions on using campus
    computers during COVID, you may receive an individual license for Odyssey that you can install on one
    device for the year.
  • Moodle:
  • Also required are laboratory safety glasses and a calculator with log and natural log functions. NB: You may
    not use graphing calculators with extensive memory capability in examinations.
Laboratory 25%
Exam 1 15%
Exam 2 15%
Final Exam 25%
Problems, Quizzes, Participation, OWL 20%
  • Intro., Chemical Reactivity & Human Activity
  • Building blocks of materials
  • Models of Structure to Explain Properties
  • Carbon-based materials and consequences for our planet
  • Chemical reaction, chemical equations
  • Chemistry of water, chemistry in water
  • Energy flow accompanying chemical reactions
  • Modeling electron distribution in atoms
  • Introduction to the Laboratory
  • Colour in Your World
  • Introduction to Microsoft Excel
  • Separation and Anaylisis of a Solid-Phase Mixture
  • Reactions in Solution - A Waste Identification Problem
  • A Cycle of Copper Compounds
  • Chemical Energy Storage Systems

Required texts, assignments, and grade distributions may vary from one offering of this course to the next. Please consult the course instructor for up to date details.

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Maintained By Glenn J Keeler